
I'm New Here
This may sound stupid, but I would really like to buy an 8. But I have a dog I would like to take on Cross Countries. One idea I have come up with is to remove the rear stick and make a platform for her to lie down on. If anyone has a good idea, I would appreciate it. I might have to go to a 7 to solve the problem.
Welcome to VAF!!!!

Linn, welcome to VAF----good to have you aboard.

There have been quite a few prior threads about transporting rescue dogs in RV's, I would suspect the folks who do that can help with your questions.

Try using the search function in the tool bar above. lot of dog stuff in here also.

Good luck, and again, welcome.
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Search is definitely your friend!

I will add that I had this very conversation this very morning with a very active rescue dog pilot. The pefered solution is to remove the stick and install a crate.

This is especially true for the rescue activities since the flight would be unfamiliar. I plan to do it even for my own companion because I want to know they are safe and not be concentrating on them in case of any high demand flying situations.
Back seat

I fly dogs in back pretty often- both for pnp, and my Airedale. Pull the back stick, throw in a thick blanket and off you go.
I. Resurecting this thread because I'm still struggling with getting a good setup. I have an RV-8 and currently only one Pug. She's gotvlots of road miles but even at 7yrs, she still has a lot of "puppy" in her.

I'm sure I can pad out most of the back but I'm thinking I also need som form of barrier orvrestraint.

Anyone with some experience in this area ? I'm eager for input !