
Well Known Member
I purchased an airframe from a builder in Oregon and had to get it back to Colorado. I was going to have Tony bring it back, but I wanted to look at it first and it gave me a chance to spend a couple days with my son and see Vans factory.

I have a 5'x10' trailer that has 14" sides on it. I got the measurements of the airframe parts and drew up what I thought would work on ACAD. The wings would lay flat on each other - with padding below and above, then a deck of 2x12 was built over the wings. The fuselage was put on the deck, 2x4 cleats were screwed into the deck holding the fuselage from moving. Wheels and the HS were placed on the deck and plywood sides for wind protection were added. The wheel pants and a few other misc parts were put into the cockpit and the canopy was closed and taped shut. Im not sure why I thought I had to tape the canopy shut to travel 80mph max, but I did.

The Empennage parts were put in the back of the Explorer along with MANY boxes of other parts that came with the purchase. The landing gear and fairings ended up on the floor of the middle seat. There was a little rattling, but everything made the trip without any damage or other issues. The 2 day, 1300 miles back home was a LONG drive, but my wife and I were able to get everything unloaded this evening once we got home. I used an eye bolt with a pulley and strap to unload the fuselage onto a cart into the garage.

I don't think we could have carried much more, but so you know, an entire RV-9 airframe including all parts through the finish kit - less motor and interior finishes can be transported on a 5'x10' trailer being pulled by an Explorer. If anyone needs more pictures or details, PM or email me.

I really want to thank Bill for the great workmanship he put into the building of this airplane. It was great to meet him and his wife and I am looking forward to finishing this project! Have fun flying your Kitfox Bill, it is a great airplane too!



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Great job. That will be some helpful information to a lot of folks. Many of the kits trade hands at about this stage of build. That's how I bought mine. Best luck to you on finishing her up. Let me know if you need help or loaner tools.
No fair, Rockwood! I just start building my wings this weekend, and you hop ahead 2 years to finish stage! Why do I suddenly have a flashback to playing Chutes & Ladders as a kid?

Enjoy finishing her up, especially the wiring. :eek:
Does that constitute a ramp (okay, hangar... err... garage) check of an unfinished airframe? :p
No fair, Rockwood! I just start building my wings this weekend, and you hop ahead 2 years to finish stage! Why do I suddenly have a flashback to playing Chutes & Ladders as a kid?

Enjoy finishing her up, especially the wiring. :eek:

I agree...thats just not fair! ;) Congrats and enjoy bringing her to flight.
That's making progress quickly! But just think of all of the fun you've missed with building the canopy.:) I think the canopy build added a year to my project!
Bruce - when I saw the canopy was done, it did NOT break my heart! Now I have to decide on selling my wing kit or getting a second fuselage!!

.......The liquor and food! Vlad is coming to Colorado. No place on the poll for "Don't know him, and can't afford to know him."

That will cost you more than you saved on the plane.;)
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