Top Cat

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I have a Vans RV-12 SLSA delivered in July 2014 with an SV-261-TXP and Touch 10" screen.

Last few flights I began getting continuous intermittent caution aural alerts well as screen cautions mostly related to the transponder.
Even though the transponder changed from ground to air and received interrogations normally it would change to Standby, IDT, and red X and then cycle through them again.
Today I flew near an Approach control and asked them for a squawk code and to give me a report on my transponder and they confirmed altitude and transponder return seemed normal.
I did receive Transponder Failure Cautions as well as Position Lost/GPS fail a couple of times as well as ADSB out failed although I'm pretty certain my position was accurate as per the SkyView screen and ADSB seemed to be working normally albeit the screen would frequently switch from ADSB-OK to TIS-OK and ADSBS No Radar fairly often.

Just trying to get an idea what the problem might be and where to start looking if anyone can help?

I've tried calling Dynon Tech Support a couple of times but they were either busy or closed for the holidays and so I'll try again in the New Year.

I believe the SV-261-TXP is a Trig unit and has a 3 year warranty? If so I have about another 6 months on this one.

Thanks for any help!
Sounds like an intermittent problem.

In failures of electronics equipment in aircraft....
Intermittent failures of hardware boxes are not very common.

Intermittent issues caused by wire/cable connections are quite common
Avionics shop (Dynon dealer) said they found a somewhat loose connection. They did the VFR certification and asked for a flight report which I did today.

After a short while problems returned...aural caution, Dynon display goes from 1200 to STDBY, IDT to red x along with caution messages which include Transponder Failure and another which I forget.

Shop has removed unit for return to Dynon for repair/replacement.
I had the same problem with a unit that had 10 hours on it. DYNON replaced it with a new one. No problem since.