
Well Known Member
Have read various threads of how to connect the transponder with various instruments. Still have some questions with what I have. I am using a KX76A transponder and connecting it to the encoder of the MGL Voyager. I have a Garmin 430 that also needs altitude information. My intial plan was to run parallel wires from the transponder to the Voyager and the Garmin. My question is can the RS232 output from the Voyager be used to connect to the Garmin. Thanks
Keep it simple. Install an Approach Systems Faststack hub. I installed mine over three years ago and it is flawless. No loose connections or cold solders to worry about. It interfaces encoder, transponder, gps, comm, nav, intercom, auto pilot, etc.
While I also went that route (fast stack hub), I still took the time to learn how it all gets wired together by studying the wiring diagrams. (remember, we build for education and recreation)

If you want to save a lot of time, get the fast stack hub. I too highly recommend it. In the meantime, perhaps one of the other avionics guru's on this list can chime in for you.
While the "fast stack" hub can be beneficial in some instances (we'll save that debate for another discussion), that's not what he was asking....he needs to get altitude data from his MGL which evidently has feeding his KT-76 via grey code, and wants to run a serial line to the 430 to also provide altitude data.

This is a question for Ranier. I don't know if the MGL outputs altitude data simultaneously in both parallel and to ask him.

Other option is to run a serial from the Txpdr to the 430. If the MGL doesn't have simultaneous outputs on parallel and serial, you can just "tee" the parallel to you 430 too.

My 2 cents as usual.
