
Well Known Member
Appology up front for asking but I can't find the answer in previous threads and need a real world experienced answer.

Ideally, I would like to bundle all my coax together to get them past the spar and hidden in a piece of conduit. Antennas have been placed and have good spacing. (2 comm, 1 nav/gs, marker beacon, transponder, gps)

Here is the issue. The transponder antenna would require a parrallel coax run for about 6 feet to do so (all coax RG400), then split off and I have about 3 feet of seperation between antennas. Problems on the horizen?

If I need to seperate - how much distance between the lines if they run parrallel?

While I'm at it, are all others OK to run in bundle or do I need to seperate?
Recieving antenna should be ok to bundle. Transmitting antenna should probably have separate runs to avoid bleed-over. I think I heard somewhere that it wouldn't be a problem because the freqs are different. Then again, the Garmin COMM installation guide specifically states that the COMM coax and ELT system must be separated because the energy from the COMM system has been known to inadvertently activate the ELT. If it puts out that much energy, caution may be in order.
Appology up front for asking but I can't find the answer in previous threads and need a real world experienced answer.

Ideally, I would like to bundle all my coax together to get them past the spar and hidden in a piece of conduit. Antennas have been placed and have good spacing. (2 comm, 1 nav/gs, marker beacon, transponder, gps)

Here is the issue. The transponder antenna would require a parrallel coax run for about 6 feet to do so (all coax RG400), then split off and I have about 3 feet of seperation between antennas. Problems on the horizen?

If I need to seperate - how much distance between the lines if they run parrallel?

While I'm at it, are all others OK to run in bundle or do I need to seperate?

I would highly recommend that you use Andrew FSJ1-50 ($1.49/ft., $10 BNC connectors) because of the high isolation of this cable and its much lower loss. Its isolation is so high that you could bundle it tightly to other cables and have no cross-talk! Rob Cherney, an aerospace engineer, did a comparison of this cable with -400 and -58 and showed its much greater superiority. This was published in an EZ newsletter, and is well worth your time to explore! I use this cable exclusively and those who have installed it on my recommendation report much better reception distance and clarity, Comm, VOR, XPNDR, DME!
Got all my connectors and cables from Stein. Ran every cable that goes from the front to the back through the same conduit (had no choice) this includes the nav/com/and transponder ant cables. No problems.

I think with todays equipment if you do it correctly bleedover is not an issue.
Strobes too?

.....Milt. I have a distinct beep-beep-beep in my headsets while taxiing. I think the only real reason I don't hear it in flight is because of all the other noise....this using Bose ANR's.

Strobes - no

.....Milt. I have a distinct beep-beep-beep in my headsets while taxiing. I think the only real reason I don't hear it in flight is because of all the other noise....this using Bose ANR's.


Strobes will have their own route. ELT won't be a problem.

Fingers crossed (lol)!!!