
Well Known Member
Hi all,
After having Vic Syracuse do my airworthiness instruction, it was time to get some transitioning training in prep for the soon to come first flight. The plane was ready, now it was time to get the pilot ready. I chose to go to South Florida and train with Jan Bussell in his RV-6A. What a great experience and I assure you Jan can and will get you ready to fly your RV. After a little ground work and some cockpit familiarization you will take off of his private airstrip and then on to okeechobee airport for pattern work, more pattern work, and then some more pattern work. In total we made 39 landings over the four flights I was with him. Having been an educator for 35 yrs Jan does a really good job of instructing you on the hows and whys of flying the RV. I would recomennd him to all. Look for the first flight report soon. Tim
Transitioning Traing

Hi all,
I chose to go to South Florida and train with Jan Bussell in his RV-6A. What a great experience and I assure you Jan can and will get you ready to fly your RV. Tim

I too did transition training with Jan. I have said it before and I'll say it again, "Jan is a CLASS ACT!!"