
Well Known Member
Yesterday I passed my Private Pilot Check Ride. With over
200hrs in my log book(previously Sport Pilot rated) I am
excited and ready. I know this will be very different from
the C172M and more like the Arion Lightning I used to fly
in pitch response. Really looking forward to it.
Congratulations, Gene! I hope that -6A has been flown by someone recently. Now it's your turn. If you are going to becdown in my neck of the woods any time soon I'd be happy to spend some time with you in my -6A.

Thank you Jesse. I wish that I could say that it has flown, but alas it
has not. I have been cleaning it up and getting it ready. It will be in the
air by the weekend if all goes right.

I had forgotten that you have a -6A. I should of thought to stop in when
the wife and I were in Florida 2 weeks ago. I do want to talk to you about
ADS-B and what I can do with my GRT Sport SX that I have sitting on the
Congrats on passing your checkride, Gene. Let me know how things go with the -6A. You should have no excuse to let it sit now. :)

Jesse, I flew the 6A for the first time yesterday. 1.2hrs of transition training
with Scott "Scooter" Yoak. Scott is best known as the pilot of the P51D Quick
Silver. He is a very qualified RV pilot as well. Did stalls, steep turns and lots
of pattern work. What a great airplane. I actually found it easier to land than
the Cessna 172 I had trained in.

Hey Gene, It looks great! I gotta come over there and get a close look.
-- Sam Hart
Thanks Sam. Come on down.. I will be happy to show her off. BTW, how is your
plane coming. Weren't you making some updates to it or do I have you mixed
up with another RV flyer?
Good stuff, Gene. It's all uphill from there. :)
Or as someone here said, "It only takes more money"

But I am loving this airplane. I now have 2.7hrs in her and continue to feel out
her capabilities. Biggest thing is getting her slowed down to 100mph in order
to put the first 10 degrees of flaps in. I will say this, with 380lbs of
pilot/passengers and full fuel she is a rocket ship. Climbs out at 1800fpm at
full throttle and then at 1000' pulling back to 25 squared it is still at 1500fpm
and 110mph. Got to love this great little airplane.

So what is the skinny on your 6?
We'll, my -6 is...skinny. There were 2 guys flying it and lost the engine (it's amazing how quiet the engine gets when you run out of fuel) and had to put it in a field. They basically destroyed both wings outboard of the tanks on two fence posts, but the anti-splat nose job kept them upright. They walked away without a scratch. Instead of pulling the wings off, we used a saws-all to cut the wings off outboard of the tanks for transport. So, skinnier now. :mad: