
Active Member
I have been wanting to comment about the transition training I received from Alex DeDominicis. When I switched my insurance policy from a project to an airplane, it stipulated that I would need 1 hour of RV-7 time. I mentioned to my agent that I had flown an RV-4 and an RV-7 several years ago. She said that it counts, I was cleared to fly. So, the FAA, and the insurance company had given me their blessing. But I knew it would be foolish of me to just jump in and go fly. I called Alex, flew with him twice. He was very accommodating and a pleasure to work with. Picture two friends going flying, one giving tips and pointers to the other. That's flying with Alex. Very professional, and easy going. I flew my plane this week, everything went great and I was comfortable because I was prepared. I guess the reason I am writing this is because we as EAB aircraft fliers are under the microscope right now. We need to be doing what we can to be safe before Uncle Sam decides to step in. The cost of flying with Alex or the other designated instructors is very reasonable. They provide a great service to the RV community. Money well spent.

As a reference, here are my aviation credentials: Gold Seal CFII, MEI, AGI, ATP, Typed in SF340, DC-9, B-767, B-757, FE: B-727. BS in aeronautical engineering from Arizona State (Go Sun Devils!). 14500 total time.
RV-7 Training with Alex

This morning I had the pleasure of getting my first RV-7 training with Alex of RVTraining.com at Eagles Next airport in Midlothian, Tx, which is about 30 minutes south of Dallas/Fort Worth.
The RV-7 as you know is rock solid and handles beautifully with lots of reserve power. I was really impressed with his plane and training.
I'd highly recommend Alex for the RV-7, 10 & 14 transitional training that he offers.
He enjoys teaching and it shows.
Vans RV Training in Texas

Thank you guys.
If you go to Sun & Fun or Oshkosh, stop by and say hello.
Here in Chile we have no insurance for experimental planes, just liability. So for me my only insurance was to get good training, I flew from Santiago Chile to Houston just to get transition training with Alex, he manage to get a good instruction for me in just a weekend.
flight training

I need RV 7 training with a CFI to satisfy the insurance company. I am trying to buy an RV 7 at Ogden airport Utah. Any suggestions, HELP? My AIrport is Minden Nevada.
Transition Training

Ditto on Alex's transition training. Just don't let spiders into the cockpit! (Private joke).

-John Banister

SSHHHH, John. Remember that what happens in the cockpit, stay in the cockpit. At least we didn?t have snakes!! :D That is funny you remember that. Thanks for reminding me.
Weekend with Alex

I just returned from a weekend of flying with Alex at Eagles Nest. Suffice it to say, another very satisfied customer. Alex is a good man and a good pilot. What I liked about his teaching style is he set the bar high for me--demanding but fair, which is exactly what you want from a CFI. Some of his comments on my landings definitely made me chuckle after the fact...he'll definitely tell you how it is without sugar coating it, which I appreciated.

A little background on me, I am a low time pilot...closing in on 200 hrs TT and about 30 hrs TW. I have flown Diamond's, the Skyhawk, Citabria and some dual in a Pitts S2C.

I'll tell ya, flying the RV7 with the constant speed prop was much more similar to the Pitts than anything else I have flown. In fact, the best thing you can do is forget all about what you learned flying a Skyhawk or Citabria...its night and day different in the -7. If you are like me and most of your time is in underpowered spam can's...I highly recommend you do some transition training before flying your RV. It was a real eye opener to do pattern work in this beast...the performance and speed takes a while to get used to. I was constantly "behind" the airplane, which is definitely something I need to work on. I certainly dont have the airplane mastered after five hours, but I feel comfortable enough now that I can perform a safe first flight, which is the primary goal of transition training.

Blog post here. Thanks Alex, I had a good time flying with ya.
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