
Is there anyone within the state of Arizona doing transition training in an RV-7? I'm building an RV-8 and nearing completion so I'm planning ahead. If possible, I'd like to combine the training with a flight review (if needed) at the time. My usual IP is out of country.

I live in Palominas AZ.

Home 520 803 1050
Cell " 559 1959

E-mail [email protected]

Thanks. Jack Censner
Your request may or may not be possible, unless you have a friend who will loan you an RV-7 free of charge.

As you know, the FARs prohibit the use of an experimental aircraft for hire (e.g., if the cfi provides it and charges you). The FAA will issue a waiver (LODA) so the plane can be used for transition training. However, beyond that, apparently depends on the local FSDO. I have a waiver for my RV-10, but the OAK FSDO limited me to transition training only. I am expressly forbidden from signing off a flight review, despite the fact that all the usual stuff would be covered in transition training. The logic is that they're afraid I would "cheat", and give flight reviews to people who were only curious about, but had no real need, for transition training in an experimental.

By so restricting potential business is one reason transition training is so expensive.