
Just finished transition training at KDTO with Jetguy and RDOG, and it was great! I know that some of you could fly a barn door as soon as you find the mag and starter, and some of you THINK you can. If you're not positive about which group you're in, call these guys (or Mike S) for lots of help in protecting the nose gear, landings, cross winds, speed management in the pattern, etc. I've been worried about the first flight for awhile, but now I'm really pumped and I hope duly cautious.
Serial No. 120100, N12VZ, has its pink slip and first flight will be from KGAI as soon as WX, winds and traffic in the DC SFRA permit
RV12 Transition training!

Lewis did a great job!:)
I am sure glad he did not bend it up or anything, I intend to get my transition training in that plane.
Don, just proves that short old guys can fly the 12. You may know someone who fits that description. Used a one inch booster cushion from Flightline---works great.
I hope you left the cushion there, I will need it for sure, or someone else will have to work the pedals for me...