
Well Known Member
Hello everybody
Maybe someone can help me find a CFI that I can get some 7A or 6A training in. I just took My biannual in a RV6 and my RV7A is ready to fly but the insurance company said it had to be in a 6A or 7A.
I'm in the very Northern calif. area. It takes about five hrs to drive to Sacramento and about the same to Portland. Does anybody have any suggestions. Thanks
Hal Stephens, in Placerville.

Also, he is an EAA flight adviser, which some insurance companies really like.

I will P.M. you his number.
Thanks for the info I will call tomorrow.
I wonder when the weather will clear up?
I have transition training scheduled with Mike Seager in Scappose, OR next month (May 7,8 & 9). My schedule has changed & if those dates work for you, you can have them & I will reschulde for another time. Mike's number is 503-429-5103.
Mike Seager

I took my transition training with Mike and recommend him. He uses a 6A with a constant speed and also uses a 7. Professional instructor.