
Well Known Member
Anyone doing RV transition training in the SE Michigan / Northern ohio area?

While a trip down South is appealing right now, I just don't think I can break loose unless absolutely necessary!

Current temperature is 16F! Did I say it was appealing???
I live in West Michigan. I'm not sure what you're looking for but if you would just like some familiarization with an RV I'd be willing to help you out.

I live in the Detroit area and I'm building an RV9A. Never been up in any kind of RV. What model do you have? Could I impose on you for a ride? I'd be happy to pay the gas.
I believe Wayne Baumann at PTK will give you transition training. He has an RV6 as well as a Murphy Rebel on amphib. floats. Wayne is a CFI and I believe flies for Northwest. You can reach him at 248-683-1308 (number listed on VAF white pages).

Darryl: If you're looking for a ride in a 9A, I'm also based at PTK and fly N323TP. You can see my plane at:
click on airplanes, click "friends", then click my name. You can also view some of the other RVs based at PTK on this site.
You can contact me directly at:
[email protected] or

ddurakovich said:
Anyone doing RV transition training in the SE Michigan / Northern ohio area?


So your getting close. Excellent. I ended up flying with Seager for my tailwheel RV training. He's worth the trip. You may talk to Mike over in Grass Lake just to get some RV4 time. Send me an email if you need his phone number.
