Well I have done it ! I bought my first RV, a 6A. (and it's my first airplane actually). I am excited about flying it but I also understand I should have some type of transition training. The insurance company says I need 1 hour before I solo but that being said I have to figure out how to get it before I go pick it up and fly it back to Kansas from Philly Pa. Any ideas ? Anyone close to Wichita that has either a 6a,7a,9a that can instruct me for an hour ? My brief history is I am currently a Medivac helicopterPilot with 7000+ hrs helicopters and airplanes, about evenly mixed. In airplanes - 1900 multi (beech baron's to B-100 King air's), 96 tail wheel, the rest single engine land with 200+ being Grumman Tigers (I've been told repeatedly an RV flys like a tiger on steroids, but I'll take that with a grain of salt). 1 hour doesn't sound like much but that gives me a long solo cross country to polish the skills.
Thanks for any input
Don't plan for Alex for transitioning. He said he's out of it for a bit (bummer)
As you may know, you face two obstacles:
owners may not use EAB aircraft for hire,e.g., no compensation. It is possible to get an FAA waiver of this rule. However, the insurance companies are generally charging significantly more to insure an aircraft that is used for transition training, which is why many CFI's have stopped doing this with their aircraft and a waiver.

My suggestion: find a cfi acceptable to your insurance company. Pay his expenses to accompany you to Philadelphia. He would need to act as PIC for the flight home, or at least until you had received the required dual time enroute (presumably you would do some landing and takeoff practice once outside of Philadelphia's airspace.)
Just Finished Transition Training with Jan Bussell in Okeechobe Florida in a 6A. Excellent instruction and very reasonable.
Trained with Jan as well

I too did transition training with Jan in Florida within the last few months. If you can expense yourself to Florida it will be well worth your time and money.
Ditto for Jan

I am a bit surprised at the request for only one hour, most of the insurance companies ask for at least 5. We have seen a few people that have gone down to Jan in Florida and have flown with him ourselves. I think it is kind of who is at the desk that day and who your broker is. Either way they all know Jan and he has been at it for a long time. He told me last year he was thinking of retiring so I would grab him before he does. We have found him to be very easy to work with and would work with him again if needed. Hope this helps, Yours, R.E.A. III #80888
For coverage on the RV-8A I purchased, my insurance company wanted "endorsed by CFI qualified to provide transition training" and then required (I think) 1000+ hours in type for the CFI - in type meant an RV 6/7/8 or 9.

for me as a ~250 hour mostly cessna driver that took about 6hours.

CFI had a -7A, so it was a little weird taking off in the -8A the first time (center-line sight picture) but I quickly got used to it :)
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+1 for Jan

I did my transition training with Jan about 6+ years ago. Last year My 17 year old son also did transition training with Jan. Both experiences we great!
Transition training

I used David Austin from Denton area, he was on the list of Approved CFI's for Nationair. David actually came up to Wichita area, stayed as a guest in my home and transitioned me the required 10 hours. This is the contact number for him:


I have an RV7 based at Oxford (55K) that could be used.

Keith Rhea
316 640. 8897
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