
Well Known Member
I want to make a pitch to others getting ready for their first flight to get transition training, and a pitch for getting it from Alex De Dominicis in particular.

I just made my first flight after 9+ years of building and an even longer time of not flying, and the transition training I got from Alex was absolutely invaluable. I'd been taking dual in a Cherokee to get current, but the RV handling is different enough that without the dual with Alex I would not have been safe taking my -7 up for the first time. As it was, there were no surprises.

Alex is a great instructor and showed great patience with my initial over controlling and other bad habits. In a relatively few hours of dual, he had me comfortable landing the RV to a degree I could never have achieved without his help.

Alex is great and if you can get on his schedule I highly recommend it. If you can't, find someone else. It is a relatively minor cost in time and money when compared to everything else you've spend getting to where you are and false economy to not avail yourself of the opportunity. In my view, unless you are current in an RV, you aren't current.

Thanks, Alex!
I agree. It has been nearly 15 years since I did my training with Alex. He is a great guy and the training was excellent!

I agree. It is time extremely well spent. Also, Alex is a patient and helpful instructor. Do it.
Same here, about 15yrs ago. Alex is a kind soul and I'm happy to see he is still sharing his approach to transition training.
+1 More

A little over a year and

A little over a year and 150+ save hours flying and it was totally worth it from Alex. Best $$ I ever spent. No amount of money saved is worth my families safety. By the way got into a bad gusting cross wind on a narrow runway a few hours back and without his training probably would have been a runway excursion. Invest the time and get additional training even if your insurance company does not require it. He will challenge even a good pilots abilities which is what we all need.