Chris Beebe

Ok everyone, what did you do to get ready for your first flight in an RV-3. I'm getting closer on my project and have made a few high speed taxi tests up and down the strip. Searching for any training so far has been tragic. So much so I am tempted to just do it myself but I know I should keep searching for someone who can teach me. Any thoughts or advice on how to accomplish this impossible task? If it helps any I'm in So. Oregon and already checked in with the Vans recommend guy in the Portland area.
RV-3 transitsion training

Give Mike Seager a call, I hear he is one of the best. :D

Mike Seager - Issuu › docs › flyerdecember2020 This is the link to an article that was done on him back in 2020.

I did my training with Jan, here is Florida. I highly recommend getting a trainer to show you the right and the safe way to fly an RV.

Be sure to let us know when the big day arrives!
Get the training that's available

First step, get the training you can find.

A side by side RV-7 transition training course will give you 99% of what you need to fly your RV-3 safely.

Have a good Phase I plan for flying your RV-3 since it is truly a newly minted EAB. You have the challenge of needing to watch your engine and systems closely while learning a new aircraft.

Another good option, honestly, is to hire an experienced test pilot to fly the first few hours of your RV-3 phase I test flights. This will reduce the risk of your first flights when you are new to the RV series aircraft.

Are you tailwheel current? Tailwheel experienced? Go get a few hours with a CFI in any tailwheel aircraft. Recent experience and feedback from your CFI will help you make good decisions based on reality. :cool:

Sometimes a weekend trip to a place where you can get training, like down to Texas for RV-8 flying with a guy that has the correct set up for that purpose, is the most effective. Consider thinking outside the box. An RV-8 front seat will be completely different in some ways than the RV-3, but will also give you the sensation of single seat, centerline, right-hand stick and left-hand throttle feel.
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Bruce Bohannon is the best possible instructor for RV-3 transition training. In addition to having the only RV-8 in the world set up for proper transition training, he has extensive experience flying the RV-3, having co-owned one for years. He is located near Angleton TX; his home field is Flyin' Tiger Field (81D). His contact information is on the airport guides. There are many great instructors out there; Mike Seager is one of the very best. But for your mission, Bruce is your man. I wouldn't bother looking anywhere else. I got my RV-8 transition training with him last October and will return this spring for a quick refresher before my first flight. If you'd like to see his RV-3 in action, check out the video on my YouTube channel:
Alex DeDominicis here in N.TX

10 hours or so. My tailwheel endorsement (in my newly flying RV).
Good guy, I'd look local, then go see Mike if I couldn't find that. All good folks.
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I had zero tailwheel time when I bought my -3, but lots of recent small airplane time. I spent a relaxing couple days in Oregon and flew with Mike Seager in the -7. I found it very worthwhile and was well prepared for the -3. Knowing what I know now I wouldn’t have done anything different.
Ok everyone, what did you do to get ready for your first flight in an RV-3. I'm getting closer on my project and have made a few high speed taxi tests up and down the strip. Searching for any training so far has been tragic. So much so I am tempted to just do it myself but I know I should keep searching for someone who can teach me. Any thoughts or advice on how to accomplish this impossible task? If it helps any I'm in So. Oregon and already checked in with the Vans recommend guy in the Portland area.

Hi neighbor. I live out by the dam. There is a VAF member that lives in Ashland and has an RV8. I will see if I can find him here and let you know. Are you based in Medford?

Found him. I sent you a PM.
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Well lets see. My daughter had just got her private ticket a few months ago. Insurance reasons. And I told her she had to get transition training in an RV-6A, Before I would let here fly my RV-6A.
Now we had been flying many times before in the air. But take off and landing is the critical operation needed.
My bird lives on a grass field.
Her transition trainer wouldn't let her land or fly off grass. And needless to say it was a very meager transition schooling for her.
With Mike Seager you will take your first flight and many more after off grass.
He will steer you right.
She is scared to fly off grass now and hasn't done it.
I won't tell you who he was, But if you don't feel like you are ready for solo, speak up.
MY three cent worth Art
High speed taxi tests are unnecessary and riskier than just flying the thing without training, not that I'm advocating for that. Lots of people have crunched their airplanes doing high speed taxi tests thinking it's a good way to "ease into it".
High speed taxi tests are unnecessary and riskier than just flying the thing without training, not that I'm advocating for that. Lots of people have crunched their airplanes doing high speed taxi tests thinking it's a good way to "ease into it".

Yeah - let me emphasize this. High Speed Taxi testing is really for brand new designs - not aircraft whose designs are proven already. This is because a lot can go wrong in a hurry, including premature liftoff…and now you’re flying! In fact, properly controlling an airplane during high speed taxi is a more difficult task than just taking off, flying, and landing the airplane.

I ask the original poster’s forgiveness if he is already a very experienced pilot - we don't know your background, so its kind of hard to recommend what you need. If you’re experienced in many types of Experimental aircraft, then you’ll probably have little trouble with an RV-3. If you don’t have a lot of time in light, sensitive, high performance planes, then yes - wait until you can get some good instruction in a two seat RV, then go fly the -3….its not difficult at all to fly, and pretty well mannered - you just have to be ready for the quickness.

But I’d suggest that you stop high speed taxi work until you have at least flown an RV with some good instruction - and then just go fly and enjoy your -3.

(And to directly answer the OP’s question on “what did I do”, I had flown many different types of high performance taildraggers, so after talking with several experienced -3 pilots about any potential problems, I simply went and flew it - but then, I was flying several RV’s several times a week.)

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J3 Cub into a my RV-3

Most of my tail wheel endorsement was accomplished in a 65HP Cub, with a little time in a 150HP Citabria. To me, the RV-3 is easier to land than the Cub. After a couple of bouncers I was able to wheel it on smoothly (pavement.)

Initially the roll out gave me fits, but the culprit turned out to be a bad leak in the right brake caliper hydraulic line attachment, leaving the plane with a strong pull to the left with brakes applied especially when the rotor heated up. Repaired leak and replaced oil soaked rotor and pads, and my RV-3 became very tame on roll out.
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Hi neighbor. I live out by the dam. There is a VAF member that lives in Ashland and has an RV8. I will see if I can find him here and let you know. Are you based in Medford?

Found him. I sent you a PM.

I live on the airport in Shady Cove. Before that I was based out of Grants Pass.
Thanks everyone for the info and leads. I will check them out and I'm sure something will work out. BTW, this -3 was a crashed unit I purchased and repaired. It sat around for a number of years and trailered half way across the USA so I have multiple reasons for the various ground testing at this point lol. All my other experience is basically from my zenith 601 I had and 701 I'm currently flying. Big difference with the newest project.