
Well Known Member

I am a fair bit into my tail wheel endorsement and am slowly beginning to think I am supposed to try to buy a plane instead of build. That leaves me with some experience related questions.

First, is anyone doing transition training within driving distance of NYC? Second, I assume that transition training in (preferably) an RV7 would also qualify me for the tail wheel endorsement?? Lastly, I may someday need to consider purchasing a constant speed propped plane. Can I work that endorsement into my transition/tail wheel training?

I have been trying to figure out how to get all these things done, but maybe I am supposed to be figuring out how to do them all at the same time? Thanks for the education!:)


Your second question "transition training in (preferably) an RV7 would also qualify me for the tail wheel endorsement", the answer is yes, provided the instructor giving the transition training also endorses you for tailwheel. Your 3rd question "constant speed propped plane. Can I work that endorsement into my transition/tail wheel training" The answer is no, I assume you are talking about the "complex" endorsement. That requires 3 things, Controllable pitch propeller, flaps AND retractable landing gear.
Thanks Tony. I thought the same about the complex endorsement but my flight school mislead me into thinking you could get the prop training without the retract.

So I am looking for RV7 transition training and tailwheel endorsement in the northeast (or east at least). Anyone??
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The "prop" training, is certainly the most complex part of the complex. So the transition training you do will only make the complex endorsement easier.
You can get the CS training

I thought the same about the complex endorsement but my flight school mislead me into thinking you could get the prop training without the retract.

You can, there's just no seperate endorsement or sign-off for learning to use a CS prop.

Also if you are close to already getting a tailwheel endorsement, go ahead and finish. You don't need a specific RV-7 tailwheel endorsement, although I htink it would be prudent to get transition training in a 7 vs. a 7A. YMMV...
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You can, there's just no seperate endorsement or sign-off for learning to use a CS prop.

Also if you are close to already getting a tail wheel endorsement, go ahead and finish. You don't need a specific RV-7 tail wheel endorsement, although I think it would be prudent to get transition training in a 7 vs. a 7A. YMMV...

The transition training is an insurance thing, but I also want the training in model. I just figured I might as well try to start the RV7 time now and since my tail wheel guy is very busy (8 lessons since beginning in February!). I might as well finish up the endorsement in the RV instead of trying to finish in the Cub, and then still have to take 10 hours of RV training as well (which just coincidentally will be tail wheel flying).

I guess another ancillary benefit is I have still not been able to get a ride in an RV. Paying for the training solves that problem too.
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Also looking for East coast transition training

I'm also looking for transition training in an RV. I just finished my 6A (after 12 years) and am looking for a CFI with an RV willing to provide transition training. I'm located in VA Beach. My DAR inspection is within the next 2 weeks:D Anyone within a couple of states?
Second, I assume that transition training in (preferably) an RV7 would also qualify me for the tail wheel endorsement?? Lastly, I may someday need to consider purchasing a constant speed propped plane. Can I work that endorsement into my transition/tail wheel training?

I have been trying to figure out how to get all these things done, but maybe I am supposed to be figuring out how to do them all at the same time? Thanks for the education!:)


Andy, I believe that Jan Bussell (lives in South FL) is the only person that can legally provide a tailwheel endorsement in an expiremental airplane. He has a letter of deviation from his local FSDO that allows him to sign off on your TW endorsement IF you have already initiated TW training (which you have) and are planning to purchase an RV. Jan has both an RV-6 and an RV-6A that he provides transition training in. He did my transition training and TW endoresment and I highly recommend him.

Someone correct me on this if I'm wrong, not that you all needed an invitation to do so :D
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I am a fair bit into my tail wheel endorsement and am slowly beginning to think I am supposed to try to buy a plane instead of build. That leaves me with some experience related questions.

First, is anyone doing transition training within driving distance of NYC? Second, I assume that transition training in (preferably) an RV7 would also qualify me for the tail wheel endorsement?? Lastly, I may someday need to consider purchasing a constant speed propped plane. Can I work that endorsement into my transition/tail wheel training?

I have been trying to figure out how to get all these things done, but maybe I am supposed to be figuring out how to do them all at the same time? Thanks for the education!:)


If you are tail wheel training and qualifying on a Piper or Champ type aircraft you should be fine in an RV. The wings of an RV are shorter and closer to the ground and don't want to wag around as much as those high wing, long span designs.

As for C/S it's operation is more procedural or mental than a tail wheel's kinesthetic or seat of the pants needs. If you succeed with the tail wheel the CS should be a piece of cake.

Jim Sharkey
I went with Kent Gorton near Atlanta GA. He teaches in a -6 and is an excellent teacher. His -6 has a fixed-pitch prop, though...
Prop "training" - Read Pierres post on the subject...

...Training complete!

Really, a CS prop is less complicated than using flaps correctly. No training required, just read.
Could be wrong but....

I thought that a complex aircraft had to have 2 out of three....
CS prop

so, wouldn't an RV7 with a CS prop be complex??
or have I got that all wrong....

Thanks everyone. Please keep the suggestions coming.

I am in a discussion with my insurance company, trying to work out the specifics of the coverage. I did not consider that I might have to have the policy for the training part of the ownership!! I am also trying to see if a 6 is a 7 or if an 8 is a 7 or ...

Either way they want me to have 5 hours dual in model. Seems reasonable. Maybe I should go back to focusing on finishing my TW and then getting separate transition hours for the insurance. I can worry about the complex later.

So if I just need transition time in a tail dragger model RV (that qualifies as training for the 7, whatever that is), how far from NY/NJ would I have to go to get it? I think we can keep it simple now and forget the TW endorsement and complex for the moment. I can always do that in my own neighborhood.

One point though, will anyone give me transition training if I am only 8 hours toward my TW endorsement? You'd think I could just take a day off and go finish up, but the weather and my instructor's schedule have been extremely uncooperative! I took my first lesson in the beginning of February and in spite of focusing on this training, I am only 8 hours into the endorsement. Crazy! I remember being a little sad we didn't get to put the skis on when I started. Now, it looks like I am going to get a second Winter to work with!:rolleyes:

Thanks for all the help while I try to figure this all out! Andy
I thought that a complex aircraft had to have 2 out of three....
CS prop

so, wouldn't an RV7 with a CS prop be complex??
or have I got that all wrong....


Need all three to be complex. 61.31(e)
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transtion trainer in Atlanta

Can some one give me the phone number of Kent Gordon in Atlanta who does the transition course.
Local to Roanoke

Bev, if you're still seeking a CFI to transition train you in the -8, you could call Jack Phillips at Smith Mountain Lake. He's had an 8 and is building a -10 now. Great guy.

Bedford Landings B&B is his business at W91. PM me if you want his cell #.

And if you're flying anything now, come up for BBQ on the 15th, neighbor.