
Hi all,

I'm under contract for an RV-6 in Clayton, NC.
I'm a 2,200 hour pilot with a majority of time in Mooneys (600 in a J, 600 in a Bravo). And I'm currently renting a Diamond DA-40.
I'm not sure how much transition training the insurance requires but I doubt it's more than a couple of hours.
Any recommendations for CFI's in the area with Van's time for training before I head back to CA with the airplane?


Assuming you truely mean rv6 and not rv6a, they might requirements more than you think.

I had a significant amount of flight time in a bunch of different planes but they still wanted 5 hours in a tailwheel rv before they would insure me in it. Leah at Gallagher said it’s not uncommon for them to require 10 hours for people with less experience, although I doubt they would consider 2,000 hours to be inexperienced.