
Well Known Member
Greetings all:

I have conducted a lot of RV transition training and have decided to begin the process of obtaining a letter of deviation for FAR Part 91.319(a)(2). I have contacted my local FSDO and they are working on it but I'd be curious to hear from those instructors on the forum who have done so. My specific questions are:

1. I assume this letter is for a specific aircraft and not a specific instructor, is that correct?

2. I assume the aircraft must have 100 hours inspections. Is that correct?

3. Can these inspections be completed by the builder using his Repairman Certificate.

4. How long did the process take?

5. Any other issues of note?

Many thanks!
1. Correct
2. Correct
3. Correct
4. Don't know, as I'm sitting on it at this point because
5. Insurance carrier informed me of a substantial increase (?) vs. the approx. $1200 I'm paying now for liability/hull and, the maintenance contact at FSDO is looking for a specific AD compliance log as part of my record-keeping.
Good Luck
Terry, CFI
Hi Doug..

The FSDO will also issue you a new set of OPLIMS for the aircraft after they come out and inspect it (no kidding!). I considered the whole deal a big PITA and I told them so. The EAA used to administer it and it was only 1 sheet of paper!!! With the feds, it's a file.

One benefit is that it's a one time affair, and after all the faxes and phone conversations, you're done.

Terry's correct in that your insurance will probably increase by about $500 annually, but one student will cover that extra bit. I've stopped transition training for now and may resume in the Fall because my Ag business is keeping me pretty busy now, so I'll send guys to you. Be sure and ask Doug to list you on this site under "Transition training" with your contact info.

The neat part is that you'll meet so many great guys and make a bunch of good contacts from everywhere. I've thoroughly enjoyed it even tho' it's hard on the airplane because each of them will probably do around 20 landings. I have 480 hours on a 3 1/2 year old airplane.

still on?

hi pierre,

just read your "announcement" that you stop doing transition training...
i hope our appointment before osh is still a go, though?
flights etc... are already booked and would be a major pain to change.
also, you don't want to miss some swiss chocolate ;-)

cu soon.


The FSDO will also issue you a new set of OPLIMS for the aircraft after they come out and inspect it (no kidding!). I considered the whole deal a big PITA and I told them so. The EAA used to administer it and it was only 1 sheet of paper!!! With the feds, it's a file.

One benefit is that it's a one time affair, and after all the faxes and phone conversations, you're done.

Terry's correct in that your insurance will probably increase by about $500 annually, but one student will cover that extra bit. I've stopped transition training for now and may resume in the Fall because my Ag business is keeping me pretty busy now, so I'll send guys to you. Be sure and ask Doug to list you on this site under "Transition training" with your contact info.

The neat part is that you'll meet so many great guys and make a bunch of good contacts from everywhere. I've thoroughly enjoyed it even tho' it's hard on the airplane because each of them will probably do around 20 landings. I have 480 hours on a 3 1/2 year old airplane.
