Hi Don......

Jan Bussell has both a -6 and -6A, located near Orlando. I've seen good reports from satisfied customers of his.
Res 863 467 9354
cell 561 628 2105

You can try Bob Newhall...

...located in Chapel Hill (KIGX). His web page is
"renewhall2.googlepages.com" I have been trying to get in touch with him for the lase two days to see if he is still providing transition instruction, but I have not heard back yet. I have just finished my 6A and am also looking...
I just heard back from...

Bob Newhall. He is no longer in the business of transition training. Bummer...:(
Transition training for a 9A, anybody?

I will need transition training by the end of this year for a 9A (preferably with CS). It doesn?t matter that much where it is, because I have to fly there from Europe anyway (best on the east coast though). Does anybody know somebody with a 9A, doing transition training?

Regards, Tonny.