
Does anyone know of a CFI in AZ that also has RV time that can help with some transition training? My insurance co wants me to get a big 3 hours but I will probably want to extend that out to a few more.
Hi Larco,
That was not specified but will probably be more beneficial if I use it. My plane is at CGZ but I live in the Ahwatukee area.
I'm at ALM


I'm a CFI and Air Force pilot over in Alamogordo. I might be coaxed to fly my RV-4 over to CGZ for maybe gas plus lunch. We can then train in your plane.

I'm free next weekend and we can easily do three hops on one day to get about 4 hours. If you want to do more we may have to stretch it out over a couple of weekends.

Hi Robert? Sonny Weller does not have an RV to train in but does about all the RV training at DVT. If you still need help let me know and I'll forward you his number. Larry