
I'm New Here
My dad and I are just wrapping up our RV-7A plane, and we need some transition time in an RV-7A, hopefully a constant speed. Does anyone know anyone in the Colorado area or nearby state that might be available for this?

Welcome to VAF!!!!

Connie, welcome to the good ship VAF:D

Do you need just a "here is how a RV flys" ride, or something a bit more along the lines of "my insurance says I need 10 hours of RV time"

Will make a difference as to who can give you the help.

What is your flying experience so far...or your dads, whoever is going to be flying the RV ??

I expect you may get a few offers for the first type of ride, but true transition with a trained instructor is going to be a bit harder.

Have you looked at the transition training list on the home page?? http://www.vansairforce.net/transition_training.htm

Good luck, how about some photos of the plane??
Thanks for the info!!

Hello, Mike.
Thanks so much for the warm welcome to the forum, and thanks so much for the info!

My dad and I will both be flying it. I've had recent experience in a 172 RG (trying to get my commercial), but I'm sure the Vans will be a bit different once it's done. My dad needs to get current again (it's been a few years.) So I guess we need, at a minimum, whatever our insurance requirements are (we're trying to square away our paperwork at present.) But it never hurts to get more experience than the minimum required. :)

Here are some photos of our project:

I'll gladly take a look at the link you sent (I haven't updated it in about a year, but I hope to, soon.)

Cheers and blue skies,
Went to Iowa

I have just gone through the transition training process and bit the bullet to get a instructor in the 7A. My insurance company wanted 5 hours in the same type aircraft with an approved instructor. I live in Eastern Colorado, Wray (2v5), and drove to Des Moines for the hours. It was a pain, but I had no luck finding anyone closer. Supposely there is a guy in Arizona, but I was never able to get a hold of him. Let me know if you need more details. Randy
Hello, Mike.
Thanks so much for the warm welcome to the forum, and thanks so much for the info!

My dad and I will both be flying it. I've had recent experience in a 172 RG (trying to get my commercial), but I'm sure the Vans will be a bit different once it's done. My dad needs to get current again (it's been a few years.) So I guess we need, at a minimum, whatever our insurance requirements are (we're trying to square away our paperwork at present.) But it never hurts to get more experience than the minimum required. :)

Here are some photos of our project:

I'll gladly take a look at the link you sent (I haven't updated it in about a year, but I hope to, soon.)

Cheers and blue skies,

So...I have to mention...the shot of your Quality Control Rodent got us laughing over here for a good five minutes.

Cheers! :)
So...I have to mention...the shot of your Quality Control Rodent got us laughing over here for a good five minutes.

And Maia Sebok Normann's paint scheme suggestion is radical. You should totally do it.

Great website...!

Those little folds of wool hats are good places to store nuts, yeah?;)

real neat to have those folks with experience come help you out on the plane. hope you got some good stories out of them.

I recently had some good time getting transition training with mike seager in vernonia, i know it isn't very close to CO.
Des Moines

I have just gone through the transition training process and bit the bullet to get a instructor in the 7A. My insurance company wanted 5 hours in the same type aircraft with an approved instructor. I live in Eastern Colorado, Wray (2v5), and drove to Des Moines for the hours. It was a pain, but I had no luck finding anyone closer. Supposely there is a guy in Arizona, but I was never able to get a hold of him. Let me know if you need more details. Randy

Hello, Randy.
Thanks for the tip. Do you recall how much this instructor charged per hour, and was he a CFI? Also, do you recall if his plane had a constant speed prop?

QC Rodent

So...I have to mention...the shot of your Quality Control Rodent got us laughing over here for a good five minutes.

Cheers! :)

Hi, Rick.
So glad you got a kick out of the QC Rodent picture. Yes, that is a completely legitimate picture - this squirrel was kind of used to coming up to people in our backyard because my mom used to make him peanut butter sandwiches ane leave them on tree branches (no joke!) So I saw him hanging around and wanted to see what he would do if I put out one of those metal stiffeners for the wing tank - he did grab onto it, but he was a little disappointed to realize it wasn't food. I'm so glad my sister just happened to have a camera!!!
Transition training

Those little folds of wool hats are good places to store nuts, yeah?;)

real neat to have those folks with experience come help you out on the plane. hope you got some good stories out of them.

I recently had some good time getting transition training with mike seager in vernonia, i know it isn't very close to CO.

Hi, Danny.
Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately my insurance requires a 7A for transition training, and I think Mike's is a 7. But I've heard really good things about his training.
