
I'm New Here
Hi Everyone,

I've been lurking around VAF for a few months now as I research everything there is to know about RV's. I don't have the time (or skill) to build at the moment so I am looking to buy. After much deliberation, I have decided that a -4 is the one for me. I'm in Adelaide, Australia and am wondering what others from down under did in the way of transition training. I guess my questions are:

1) How do other tw aircraft compare to a -4. I'm doing my endorsement in a cub

2) Does anyone know of anyone in Aus that do RV transition training?

3) How do the models compare? I've read that it's going to be hard to find a -4 to training in. Will an -8 be close enough to go straight into a -4 solo? How about a -6 or -7

Thanks in advance and for all of the help you've all provided in these forums already!

Hi Nick

Welcome to VAF.
You could also try SAAA headquarters in Narromine, talk to the staff there. Have you searched the aircraft register re RV 4's? Someone may be close by. I'm in NSW building an RV 9 and will be looking for transition training in the near future hence the interest in this thread. I haven't ruled out going to the US to undertake same, one of my research tasks at Oshkosh this year.
Hi Nick,

I have a -7 and am based in Brisbane. When I got my RV I already had quite a bit of TW time in various stuff including Super cub, Decathlon etc etc. I just did an hour of circuits with a friend (who can fly anything) then just flew the thing. The RV range are a forgiving TW but are still a TW all the same. I think that if you can pull off consistent landings in the cub, transitioning to the RV won't be that big of a deal. Of course there will be differences in approach speeds and sight pictures etc, but that is easy to work out. If you were up in Queensland, I'd be happy to do some time with you.

Hi Nick

Welcome to VAF.
You could also try SAAA headquarters in Narromine, talk to the staff there. Have you searched the aircraft register re RV 4's? Someone may be close by. I'm in NSW building an RV 9 and will be looking for transition training in the near future hence the interest in this thread. I haven't ruled out going to the US to undertake same, one of my research tasks at Oshkosh this year.

Hornet, where about are you based in NSW? I'd love to stop by and have a look at your build if you were open to the idea. Drop me line. Cheers!
Yes I haven't rules out the US either, but with my first child due in a couple of months, that won't be happening this year, so I'm looking at Aus options.

Remag, thanks for the offer of some time in your 7. I'll speak to the SAAA guys but if I can't find anything close, I'll drop you a line. Not sure what CASA's view is on paying for that sort of thing, but if need be I can always throw a few cartons of XXXX your way!

Hornet, I got your PM, but I think that it was intended for Staunch...

I transitioned into a 180hp RV4 from a 90HP Cub. The RV4 is (IMHO) generally easier to fly.

In the UK, the PFA (equivalent to SAAA) ran a 'coaching scheme', with nominated (experienced) pilots : when mine showed up, he was far more relaxed than I was (given that he had no rudders or throttle in the back!), but he got out after 15m of circuits, and that was that. Toughest thing, for me, was just getting used to the performance gap (ie... need to think much further ahead.... for speed & vert. rate): ground & air-handling, otherwise, was a non-issue & easier than the Cub.

YRMV, of course, but (as my coach said) "it's an aeroplane" (..albeit a very, very good one !!).

In my experience the 6,7 & (to some degree) the 9 are sufficiently similar that it would be straightforward to go from either, to the 4.