
Well Known Member
Today I flew my Cessna 150 up to Payson AZ (NE of Phoenix) for 2 hours of transition training with Dan Anderson in his 7A.

There are two things I took away from this exceptionally valuable day. Like all my experienced RV friends told me, RVs are flown to the ground versus full stall landings. Therefore, the months of practicing this landing method in the C150 proved to be very helpful. You don't have to be in a 7A to practice landing a 7A even though the difference between the planes is substantial.

Second, Dan is an exceptional teacher (calm, communicative, experienced) and his 200hp CS 7A felt like a Corvette on steroids. We did a variety of stalls, landings, power off landings, and just general enjoyment of flying. The training is worth its weight in gold.

The only depressing part was when I got back in my gutless 150 to fly 126 miles to Tucson, waiting (im)patiently to clear the mtns south of Payson.

I had a serious case of get-done-itis before today, but now it's even worse. It's midnight but I still can't get over the excitement of flying Dan's airplane.

Dan can be reached at dsa762mm @ or 928-472-2502. He prefers to teach in YOUR airplane. I recommend him highly.

9A, done painting, ready to go to the airport
fly it into the ground?

Prior to my first flight, I went on an informal orientation flight and did a few touch and goes in Bill Jaques' 9A which reasured me that I could handle my own first flight. The RV community is rife with good deed doers like Bill.

Anyway, I seem to land my 6A the same way I landed Archers in the old days ( pre RV)-----pitch back...holditoff...holditoff...holditoff...ahh a sqeeker!

Unless theres an xwind or gusts or someone watching, than all bets are off.
Arizona RV Transition Training

Yesterday I just received an hour of the best duel ever!!
1 hour of duel in our purchased RV6A. I?m now legal in our partnered 6A and what a machine! I also want to say that Dan Anderson is a great instructor. A Calm conversation while we are performing deep stalls and I am struggling to keep the ball centered.
The landing technique is a preference of Dan?s and I would have to agree.
I have the Grins! :D
Just as a bit of information, I had an email conversation with Dan last week. He is not currently providing trainsition training in his own airplane, but is doing training in the student's aircraft. He is also providing RV specific aerobatic training and has two parachutes.
