
I emailed with Zack, the Van's East Coast rep, about transition training for the RV-14. He indicated that Van's is not offering transition training at this time due to COVID. Is anyone else doing transition training in the 14? I'm almost ready to fly but I'm not comfortable making my first flight without some time and training in the 14.

I also need a hangar... If anyone knows of an available hangar for rent at a reasonable rate or maybe a sublease I would appreciate a heads up. I'm in Roswell, GA. So PDK, RYY, CNI, JZP, VPC, FTY, or PUJ would all be options.
Hey Ron,
I'm building a 14A at Synergy Air in Newnan, GA. Vern Darley is a DAR and flies an RV 6A (I think, could be a 7A) out of Falcon Field in Peachtree City. I'm pretty sure he does transition training as well. I PM'ed you his contact info. If you're ever in the area, you should check out Synergy at KCCO. They have a great facility.
Transition training RV-14A, RV-10

Just finished transition training with Alex DeDominicis in his RV-7 and RV-10. Getting to fly a little tail wheel time in the 7 was great. Most of the time spent in the -10 and he set it up with extra ballast in the luggage compartment to better simulate a 14. I'm a mid level pilot with a decent amount of complex and retract time but the time spent was priceless. 1) If anything happens on my first couple flight have a better "sight line" on what to look for 2) Being shown how to properly handle the 10-14 to go back and learn from on my 14 is great 3) Money well spent for my family who will be flying with me. He's an excellent down to earth type of instructor, always looking to help in a nice enough way with our bad habits we pick up along the way. Anyone thinking of just going out and "winging it" should get some good transition training in similar make and model. Worth every penny !! With what I put into the 14 comes out to less than 0.5%. Highly recommended.
Is anyone else doing transition training in the 14?

From your blog it seems you meant -14A? Tailwheel 14s are not that common.

Chris Droege in Idaho trains in a -7A, he is listed on Van's web page. You should be able to convince your insurance they're similar enough.
"Tailwheel 14s are not that common"

You might be surprised. :)

I'm sure some double-digit percentage of the kits are leaving the factory configured that way, but I'm not aware of any completed ones with a LODA yet? OP can't get insured by wistfully looking at one.
I emailed with Zack, the Van's East Coast rep, about transition training for the RV-14. He indicated that Van's is not offering transition training at this time due to COVID. Is anyone else doing transition training in the 14? I'm almost ready to fly but I'm not comfortable making my first flight without some time and training in the 14.

I also need a hangar... If anyone knows of an available hangar for rent at a reasonable rate or maybe a sublease I would appreciate a heads up. I'm in Roswell, GA. So PDK, RYY, CNI, JZP, VPC, FTY, or PUJ would all be options.

You might as well consider Calhoun and Rome as well. I know they just completed 20-30 new hangars at Calhoun and there was some thought by the locals that they wouldn't be able to fill all of them. Once you're at Calhoun, you can get on the waiting list at closer locations and move when/if an opening arises.
I'm sure some double-digit percentage of the kits are leaving the factory configured that way, but I'm not aware of any completed ones with a LODA yet? OP can't get insured by wistfully looking at one.

Doesn't Mike Seager use an RV14 for training? N144VA.
I emailed with Zack, the Van's East Coast rep, about transition training for the RV-14. He indicated that Van's is not offering transition training at this time due to COVID.

Just to be clear Mike Seager is again doing transition training on the west coast.

Yes, mine is a 14A but flew the 10 with extra ballast in the baggage area. Alex is in the Dallas area so very convenient for me. One nice thing about this training it can be completed in one day since he starts early in the morning (Weekends) and doesn't mind flying as much as you want/need the entire day.
One nice thing about this training it can be completed in one day since he starts early in the morning (Weekends) and doesn't mind flying as much as you want/need the entire day.

Just to be clear: a lot of transition training is ground training. No CFI is allowed to do more than 8 hours per day of flight training.
8 hours

Will by the time you break for lunch, rest and continue in the afternoon doubt it will last more than 8 hours. Not sure I understand the point. :confused: