
I'm New Here
Hello all,

I have just over 100 hours TT and was fortunate enough to be able to purchase an RV8-A. On my first post I talked about the concerns I have flying that plane with such low time. The majority of you said it would be no problem as long as I have solid transition training. Most of the people in the DFW area have recommended I use Alex from however my insurance is requiring me to get my hours in an RV8-A and neither of his aircraft are that model. If anyone has any contacts in the DFW area that do transition training in the RV8-A specifically I would appreciate it.
Welcome to EAB airplanes!
Basics: in case you're not yet up to speed, there is an important difference between you getting instruction in someone else's airplane, versus your own. If the CFI is furnishing the airplane, it needs a waiver of the FARs prohibiting its use for "hire or compensation". This is not hard. More problematic, the usual insurance does not cover instruction of others for hire. OTOH if you use your own airplane, there are no such issues. Strictly speaking any CFI can give you instruction in your airplane. However, common sense dictates that you find someone with -8A experience. Another potential issue is, does your -8A have fully functioning rear seat controls, including brakes/rudder?
My recommendation: Call your insurance broker. He/she should be familiar with this problem. Ask them to ask the insurance company if instruction in one of Alex's airplanes would meet their requirements. Most likely they'll say yes, Alex has a great reputation.
Thanks for your response!

Unfortunately the insurance company isn't liking the idea of his planes because of my low time so they want it done in an RV8-A. My aircraft does not have rudder pedals in the back either unfortunately.
I would try to find a different insurance company. I got my transition training from Alex for my 8 in a 7.

The problem of giving transition training in an 8 even with standard rudder and power setup in the back is that the standard back rudder pedals can’t overpower the front once based on their geometry. So if you screw up in the front the instructor is just in for the ride. Now I think there are some guys who put beefed up rudder pedals in the back but I am not aware of anybody in the DFW area.

This is in addition to the thousands of dollars they would have to pay for insurance to instruct in their RV-8 which would be difficult to make back from the couple of people asking for RV-8 transition training as typically insurance companies accept the side by side RV transition training instead.

Find out if they accept tail wheel time in an RV-8. Bruce Bohanan is south of Houston and great instructor in his RV-8. You'll learn alot that transfers 100% to the RV-8A nose wheel.
Most insurance companies require CFI or a pilot with 1500hrs min in same type as equivalent for transition training.