Chris Santschi

Active Member
Is it possible to transition from the rear seat of the 8 to the front seat,for training purposes with an experienced pilot in front. Would takeoffs and landings be practical if a low time pilot was trying to transition? or would it just be an exercise futility.

Chris Santschi
Chris Santschi said:
Is it possible to transition from the rear seat of the 8 to the front seat,for training purposes with an experienced pilot in front. Would takeoffs and landings be practical if a low time pilot was trying to transition? or would it just be an exercise futility.

Chris Santschi

I would suggest landing first before switching seats. :D
Having never tried it (flying from the back), I'm just guessing, and this is probably obvious, but you'd probably want an -8 that had rear seat rdder pedals and throttles to make it worthwhile....most don't.

Before deciding to build the -8A, Bill Marvel (-8a owner) was kind enough to let me fly his RV from the back seat. I found it no problem at all. I did instruct in Citabrias and Super Cubs in a former life. The visability in the -8 is way better than either of those. Both of my sons will be pilots (I hope, one has soloed so far) and once they get their tickets, i plan on flying from the back seat. I purposely will put an airspeed and altimeter in the top corners of the panel so I can see them from the back as well as rear rudder pedals, rear throttle, rear flap switch and an auto pilot disconnect (in the rear). As long as the front seat pilot can safely taxi and tune the radios, I believe an experienced pilot can fly from the back seat.
Rear Seat

I transitioned in the back seat for 4 hours(rear pedals, throttle) with an instructor in Atlanta, GA. He would not allow front seat training due to a training accident that caused over $15000 of damage to the airplane prior to my training. IMHO if you can land from the back seat, you are more than qualified to land from the front seat.
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Robby knows what he's talking about. In the old days (and still now) J-3s were soloed from the back because of CG and elevator authority issues. Sit in a Pitts and see what visibility ISN'T ! You really don't have to be able to see over the nose to land an's just nicer. :D