
VAF moderator
The goal is not to put the cart before the horse, but the following is a list of what I would like to do. 1. Throttle quadrant from Dayton Murdock (DJM) via Acft spruce. 2. Dynon D10 and D10a 3. Mustang paint scheme 4. 496 under panel 5. Zaeon antenna for the 496 6. Catto prop instead of the AD prop 7. Smoke system? 8. Oxygen system. 9. Removal of some instruments that the Dynon replaces. 10. Removal of any extra items that are extra weight. It's gonna be a good day tater.....

1. The throttle quadrant is here.
2. Craig Catto took the deposit on the prop today.
3. Need to find a good paint shop in the SE I can fly to.
4. Dynon D10a is in, lots of calibration to do.
5. 496 installed under panel with detachable mount.
6 VSI removed for Dynon install.
7. G meter removed from glareshield.
8. Oxygen bottle is here.... Gotta get the rest of the stuff that goes with it.
9. Two videos have been shot in HD of full flights from inside the canopy. Gotta get a head cam.

We are making progress...;)
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There I was...

There I was 1992, South Dakota F-16C Pilot, Taylorcraft owner,-4 builder and former banner tow pilot going to look at a "homebuilt" for my friend Randy. When they opened the hangar doors I immediately got a smile on my face, what a cool little airplane, the RV-3! It's cockpit was snug like a fighter and instrumented exactly like my T-Craft, bare minimum!
As it turned out, this was the ninth RV-3 to fly and painted on the cowling were three 1983 NAA Class C-1a world records. Time to climb to 6000 meters, absolute altitude (20,580') and closed course speed (181 Knots).
I got to fly her (my first RV flight) and do a bit of evaluating on my own of what a truly great sport-plane the RV3 is. I wrote a couple of things in my logbook that day:

"Very easy to fly"
"Very Fast"
"Almost-Pitts Roll Rate"
"F-16 Visibility"

So, from an old -3 driver, enjoy my brother. Come by FD33 anytime on your journey south!


PS: Quote from our F-16 Weapons Officer during a deployment: Don't get caught up in all the avionics and radar, look out of that wonderful canopy God gave you!
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Next step...

Ok, some person called today and offered a change to what I had ordered.... Same price but I get to wear the R&D hat again for a bit... I'll post the performance data after I bolt it on. ;) Oh goody!

You obviously are speaking of a different propeller???? Let us know about performance as soon as you know. TWEETY BIRD can't take much more speed!!!

prop... what prop?

I can neither confirm nor deny anything.... but no pics of anything farther forward of my instrument panel until I report back to my handler... :)
