andrew phillips

Well Known Member
It's 5:30 am (8:30 am my east coast time)here with nothing to do so I thought I would post a report. Started training yesterday. I am a low time pilot (130 hrs). Mike has been great. He is the fourth instructor I have flown with in the past 3 years. He is very thorough and comfortable to fly with. Flying the RV (my first time in any RV) has proven to be fun. I am having to learn the C/S prop on top of the regular flight stuff. I am amazed at how fast the plane is. My regular rental is so different from the RV. The handling is great although I did notice more yaw in turbulence. The key point seems to be the nose wheel and keeping it off the ground on both take off and landing. Not hard to do but definitely requires practice to do it well. This training has already made me feel more confident about flying my own plane when it is finally ready, hopefully in October. The area that the training is done in is beautiful and Mike can set you up w/ a room in a very nice B&B almost walking distance from the airport. A great experience so far and I would highly recommend this training to anybody in a similar situation. It will be money well spent.
Keep at it, Andrew. Nice to hear you're having a positive experience as I know you were really looking forward to it.
Mike is Great!! I enjoyed every minute flying with him. I highly recommend him to anyone needing training and/or ferrying a plane. Enjoy and say Hi to Mike for me.

Best of luck

We will have to chat when you are back home. I didnt know you were planning on going all the way to oregon for training. Thats great and sounds like a wise investment. Plus Oregon this time of year would be pretty nice.

Keep us posted on the progress. Cheers.
Training is done but never finished

Mike and I got 8 hrs over 3 days. He boosted my confidence when he said that he felt I would have no problem with my first few hours on the new plane. I know that I will have a lot of practicing to do to keep up the technique I learned here. If I can master it then I feel confident that the nosewheel will never be an issue. The circuits(patterns) I learned here are quite different from what I did on trainer aircraft. The training has definitely helped to remove my feeling of apprehension about flying a plane that I had never even had a ride in. I know that I am still a student in the new plane and will have to concentrate until I can fly like the master. I guess I have half an RV grin from flying someone else's plane.