
I'm New Here
I've just finished double-flush riveting the trailing edge on the right elevator of the RV14. My back-riveting has been excellent, rivets nicely seated, nothing proud. My rivets on the trailing edge, not so much.

I know there is a technique but I haven't, to this point, figured it out. I've read the manual's instructions in Section 5 but to no avail. Using the same rivet set as with back-riveting.

Try using the back rivet set to just get the rivets going, and alternate around the trailing edge so you don’t create a bend. Use lower air pressure than you normally do.

After you do a little to each rivet to back over each with a small diameter flush rivet set (as in not the big red one with the swivel head). Not too much pressure and not too long to start. Make sure you have the trailing edge over hanging the backplate so that the flush set stays perpendicular to the skin. Stop riveting early is much better than riveting too much.

As with all flush review sets, put a piece of clear packing tape over the set. A piece of tape should last long enough for one control surface.


I use a Speciali squeezer set that I got from Cleveland tools. Works really well. It is to flat rivet set that has an angle to them that matches the elevator angle. They are connected with a little spring to keep them aligned with the elevator angle. Then you just squeeze all the rivets. I think they look really good. Very quick.