Active Member
Does anyone have any information about trailer kits or finished ones to carry our 12s in? I know there was quite an extensive discussion on this forum quite some time ago but nobody has talked about it lately. At that time there were no trailers available, just some talk of people who might manufacture them. I am one of those who would like a trailer but I don't have the time to design or build one from scratch. I could use one hopefully very soon once the long awaited engine kit arrives.

Ok - I'll bite - I was one of a few (about one year ago) who thought that it would be a good idea to begin thinking about a trailer for the RV-12. I intend to use one after my 12 is complete in a year or two.

Not too much interest as you can see. There was some thought that a sailplane or boat trailer manufacturer might get into the act but there is no evidence of that as far as I can see. So, that leaves us on our own. Sorry that I can't offer a more positive response. Hope that some trailer manufacturer answers the call!!!
I wonder how many RV-12 kits have been sold, and what % of them will be trailered?

A couple years ago at Sun n' fun I saw a lightweight aircraft trailer with flexible skin. Maybe it was PVC-coated fabric stretched over a metal frame. I can't find it now on the 'Net.
the last RV-12 kit package?

Sorry I always think this way, but I'm a marketing guy...An RV-12 trailering system looks like a perfect "next product" for Van' an aluminum trailer kit for the airplane you designed. Who could do it better??
I almost

thought about building them myself..trouble is there is a very low barrier to entry (Marketing term for Bob..:)..)and small volumes. Hard to make a profit knocking them out as a one man outfit.

I know of a trailer used for an Avid that was available. It has a means to fold out into a T-hanger. Call Ron at 702-723- 5422 for details.
About a year ago a person at Van's said they were thinking about a trailer. I don't remember if they were talking about a kit or what. Call them & see if they are still considering it.
RV-12 Trailer

In a former life I had a business manufacturing lightweight race car trailers, so I took a long look at this. Here is why I would be unlikely to proceed:

1. Most hobbiests are already spending more discretionary income than they have on their primary focus and have no income left for accessories (consider the number of posts on this site for "where can I get the cheapest price on ...). I watched auto racers scrimp on safety equiment, for example. Trailers were even further down the list.

2. As a consequence of #1, those potential customers who do recognize a need are so price sensitive that it is almost impossible for a trailer manufacturer to make a reasonable profit. One of my competitors located his manufacturing facility next to a reform school and hired the inmates on "work release" because he wasn't required to pay minimum wage!

3. A really nice lightweight trailer kit could be designed from plasma or water jet cut thin aluminum plate flat patterns, some press brake forming. The kit could be Huck-riveted together in a weekend.

4. The biggest drawback to #3 is the investment in engineeering time to design it, the initial number of pieces that would have to be purchased because machine set-up/programming time dramatically affects piece price. If Van's sells 1000 kits per year and only 1% of customers are interested in a trailer, that 's only 10 trailers per year.

5. The reality is that no on except Van's can do the market research to determine if there really is a market for enough trailers to make economic sense. They are probably the only ones who can afford to take the financial risk to lay money out up front too.

RV-12 Trailer

In a former life I had a business manufacturing lightweight race car trailers, so I took a long look at this. Here is why I would be unlikely to proceed:

1. Most hobbiests are already spending more discretionary income than they have on their primary focus and have no income left for accessories (consider the number of posts on this site for "where can I get the cheapest price on ...). I watched auto racers scrimp on safety equiment, for example. Trailers were even further down the list.

2. As a consequence of #1, those potential customers who do recognize a need are so price sensitive that it is almost impossible for a trailer manufacturer to make a reasonable profit. One of my competitors located his manufacturing facility next to a reform school and hired the inmates on "work release" because he wasn't required to pay minimum wage!

3. A really nice lightweight trailer kit could be designed from plasma or water jet cut thin aluminum plate flat patterns, some press brake forming. The kit could be Huck-riveted together in a weekend.

4. The biggest drawback to #3 is the investment in engineeering time to design it, the initial number of pieces that would have to be purchased because machine set-up/programming time dramatically affects piece price. If Van's sells 1000 kits per year and only 1% of customers are interested in a trailer, that 's only 10 trailers per year.

5. The reality is that no on except Van's can do the market research to determine if there really is a market for enough trailers to make economic sense. They are probably the only ones who can afford to take the financial risk to lay money out up front too.

What a cool design...

Tony's trailer is very cool...the wings can be mounted on side posts...and it surely wouldn't need to hold over 800 lbs. Very cool... I have a hangar here wher I already have an Ercoupe and a Mini-Max in place. I am going to 'lift' my RV-12, wings and all up in the hangar and roll the Ercoupe under it after flying the 12. I think I can modify a boat lift for under $500. and can save having to build/buy a larger hangar for now.

Jay Sluiter
Albany, OR
5. The reality is that no on except Van's can do the market research to determine if there really is a market for enough trailers to make economic sense.


According to this informal poll about 38% of RV-12 builders plan to buy or build a trailer:

So if 1000 kits are sold that's potentially 380 trailers. But that market is open to anybody with a welder who wants to jump in. And who knows when Van's will jump in the RV-12 kit trailer market, smothering all the competition.
Tony's trailer is very cool...the wings can be mounted on side posts...and it surely wouldn't need to hold over 800 lbs. Very cool... I have a hangar here wher I already have an Ercoupe and a Mini-Max in place. I am going to 'lift' my RV-12, wings and all up in the hangar and roll the Ercoupe under it after flying the 12. I think I can modify a boat lift for under $500. and can save having to build/buy a larger hangar for now.

Jay Sluiter
Albany, OR

I admit Tony's trailer looks well thought out and nicely built, but there is one problem with it (I think I have mentioned this before.) Their is nothing to support the tail. It will not work to just anchor down the fwd end of the fuselage on its wheels. The tires are bouncy, the gear legs are bouncy, and with the trailer bouncing on bumps going down the road it will cause the tail of the airplane to be flinging up and down behind. Their is more than enough inertia in the weight of the tail to make this happen (I have seen it) because of the main wheels being very close to the C.G.

Make a trailer long enough that you can incorporate a support for the aft end of the tail cone