
Well Known Member
As many of you know, RV Builder Glenn Brasch and I both fly medical helicopters for AirEvac a division of PHI, Inc. Glenn is based in Safford AZ and I'm based in Yuma AZ. WE ARE BOTH ALIVE AND WELL. Glenn worked the day shift today and I'm on tonight.

I have gotten several emails as a result of the tragedy in Flagstaff AZ where two medical helicopters collided this afternoon killing 4 on one and 3 on the other. Additionally, several on the ground were reportedly injured. Neither of these helicopters were from our company but we are all Brothers and Sisters in the industry.

Please keep these folks and their families in your prayers.

There really are no words.............
Man, I'm glad to hear you are both well. I just read the news on a national site, and was about to shoot an email off to you guys. My heart sank when I read the report.

Very sad to hear of the accident however...:(
MOST unusual for two medevacs to get into each other...

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families involved.

I hadn't heard about this until I read this thread. I know both Glenn and Darwin. I'm relieved to know it wasn't them but feel terrible about the others involved. My thoughts and prayers go out to all this affects.
TCAS, Night Vision Equip in medvacs?

Glad to hear you guys are okay. And, you're right, we're all in this avocation together.

Wondering if EMS helos are typically equipped with TCAS? How about night vision equip like a FLIR system, etc.?

We have news and EMS helos frequently going underneath us on final at various airports. It would be nice to know what equip they have, because we frequently never get a visual due backdrop of the city, their low level, etc.

Link McGarity
fmr Marine, Army helo driver
current member, Airline Pilots Anonymous
Darwin / Glenn glad you're OK....

Susie and I send our condolences to the family and friends of your coworkers.
Oh man Darwin, my heart almost stopped when I heard the news. Thank God you guys are OK, and God bless the poor souls in the accident. Stay safe guys.

Bad week for helos. My wife is waiting to hear if anyone on the Guardian chopper was someone she worked with. Sad all the way around.
Yes on Both

Glad to hear you guys are okay. And, you're right, we're all in this avocation together.

Wondering if EMS helos are typically equipped with TCAS? How about night vision equip like a FLIR system, etc.?

All of the AZ based aircraft are NVG equipped. We also have TiS type system that works great displayed on the Garmin 430. Don't know what this company has. The area of the crash is not a high volume area.

Our company crash Friday was a Brown Out situation. Could have been worse.
I'm glad to hear you are OK, I forgot what you did for a living. One of the strangest accidents i've heard of recently. I heard about it and was just like... huh? how in the world did that happen?
More sad news

Both ABC4 news and KSLTV http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=148&sid=3684307
have both recently reported that James Taylor, the flight nurse on the Classic helicopter has died also. :(

I have not posted previously on this incident due to the intense pain I feel for those who perished and their family, friends, and associates. I pass their home site at KBTF every time I ride my bike out for some fellowship with fellow aviators. While I don't know them well, my few encounters with their personnel left me with the deep impression that they do indeed run a classic operation.

My prayer is that the departed may rest in peace, their family, friends, and associates may be consoled in their afflictions, and we may rest assured that we will meet them again on that beautiful shore where sorrow reigns no more some day.

Peace to all. :)

Joe Harwell
Tough week

I just heard that news in the car. The services were being held today for some of the others that died.

I should note that the pilot involved in the crash of the Airevac helicopter on Friday night is building a RV7. He's one of us.

Lets all be safe no matter what we fly.