tadpole rider

Active Member
I have Skyview Touch running 14.2.1 with ADSB (but not 2020 compliant). When there is traffic, Skyview gives me a yellow text box with "Traffic" displayed that overlaps the turn/slip ball at the top of the PFD page. I have turned off Traffic in the PFD but the text box still appears.
Can the text box be moved?
Can it be turned off?
Also - I am still being alerted to the image of my own plane as "Traffic". It is annoying hearing the constant "Traffic" in the headset when you are the only plane around.

30 hours on my 12. Loving it!

I've flown with both the FreeFlight and Garmin G3X ADS-B systems and both occasionally show own ship as traffic. From the blogs it seems like everyone experiences the own ship ghost periodically. It might be something we just have to put up with.

I fixed my ghost

After loading the latest software then update your Dynon transponder. That should get rid of your ghost.
I had the same ghosting issue. Upgrading the base software alone does not get rid of it. You have to upgrade the transponder too.
My ghosting has gone away with the software update (and following the instructions regarding the transponder).
I talked to Dynon support today about the "Traffic" text flag that overlapped the turn/slip coordinator. He was unaware of my problem but would take it to the engineers.