
VAF moderator
Looking seriously at trading in my 396 for a 496 at SnF..... anybody have an idea of what I could be looking at cost wise? also looking to pick up a small hand held... maybe the lowrance 600c.... anybody know of a better small hand held for cheap? (backup)?
Brian Wallis
404-405-1315 at snf all week....
Looking seriously at trading in my 396 for a 496 at SnF..... anybody have an idea of what I could be looking at cost wise? also looking to pick up a small hand held... maybe the lowrance 600c.... anybody know of a better small hand held for cheap? (backup)?
Brian Wallis
404-405-1315 at snf all week....
Tropic Aero will give you $1400 trade-in. See their website.

I have flown both a with a 396 & a 496 extensively and never really considered a big enough difference that I would spend any extra $ to "upgrade". The 496 has a few extra features but I seldom use them.

Save your $ and get something at SNF that you really need. By next year the 496 will be replaced by something fancier.
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