Louise Hose

Well Known Member
We have a donated Spot2 in the RV-1 and I've asked the pilots to turn on the tracking when they are out flying. I see that someone (probably Roy "Jarhead" Geer) is out putting it through its paces right now. You, too, can follow its progress at: http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0qNMusDOLqVZfp0n3i2j7Mr0hTpOaeoUR. You might want to bookmark it for when the tour comes through your neck of the woods.

There are still some tracks from my flight in Junior up to Hicks on Sunday morning and some messing around at the airport. But, now, the unit is dedicated to N5827N.
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And Congratulations Roy "Jarhead" Greer for becoming the second (and now High Time) RV-1 pilot in the modern era! We just talked, and he was as happy with the airplane as I was - he said the stalls were gentle, and collected some cruise speed info in 1.2 hours spent in the air.

I look forward to flying it again in a few days, if it isn't worn out by then... :)
The donation by Spot is indeed a very nice addition. Now, if everyone is really nice to Glen (VAF Humptybump and the volunteer behind the RV-1 website), I'll bet he will add a link or view to track RV-1 flights.

BTW, if it's been a while since you've visited the RV-1 website, you're in for a treat... check it out! The new design (thanks Glen) is much more content friendly and new items are added or updated frequently. Just go ahead and Bookmark it...

To all other RV-1 pilots (insurance approval by Paul Dye)... are you going to just stand by and let Roy get all the RV-1 time? We're anxious for your reports.
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