the scenic route..

that looks like a really sweet river run!!!
nice and CLOSE to that water :eek:

loved the video
Looks good

For $100 you get a lot of bang for the buck..

I don't have Gumption to get THAT close to the water though..:)

I'm amazed that pilots post videos of this stuff.
If you really want to show off your superb flying skills post a video of a strong cross wind landing.
Long time R/C guy here too. What camera is that and how did you mount it?

This is the camera I used..

I made up a small cradle for it out of bluefoam and fiberglass and put it on the vert stab..

I'm amazed that pilots post videos of this stuff.
If you really want to show off your superb flying skills post a video of a strong cross wind landing.

What's amazing about it? It's 100% LEGAL..

I'm not trying to show off any superb flying skills.. I was toying around with a new toy... :rolleyes:
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Low flying records...

...can never be won, only tied ;)

Legal, huh, you're obviously allowed to fly a LOT lower than we are in NZ
Unless I am misinterpreting the FARS and I could be.. If I thought it was illegal, there is no way I'd post it up.. Maybe this can open up a discussion on FAR 91.119 Which says:

Far 91.119:

Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, no person may operate an aircraft below the following altitudes:
(a) Anywhere. An altitude allowing, if a power unit fails, an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface.
(b) Over congested areas. Over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, or over any open air assembly of persons, an altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2,000 feet of the aircraft.
(c) Over other than congested areas. An altitude of 500 feet above the surface, except over open water or sparsely populated areas. In those cases, the aircraft may not be operated closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.
Did'nt see any boats or people walking on water, so looks good. ;)

Amazingly good pictures for such a tiny little camera.
Yeh, the quality of the camera is pretty good to be soo cheap and small.. :)

The only downside is that I am only able to get about 25 minutes worth of charge on the stock battery, which for use in the RC birds, it works fine..

I am thinking about making a new cradle for it and creating a spot for a larger capacity battery can sit.. It currently runs on a single 200mah lithium polymer pack, I've got several from RC birds I can hack up and go with something like a 800 or 1000mah pack.. Should give me quite some more time..

Also, another downside is that as it sits, I have to put it on the plane with it "rolling film." I cannot currently select it record and not record at the moment.. I am however working on that... It has an external mount that includes some pins that I can solder onto, so I may rig up something with an old 2 channel RC transmitter.. :)

Here is a shot of the first variant of holding it onto the airframe.. I only kept it on the plane for an hour or so at a time, wouldn't leave the tape on the plane.. The wife, and I'm sure others, thought I was nuts to use duct tape, but it held like a champ.. :)

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Jeff, you rock!

Motivation! Gotta get back on the ol' project!

That brought back memories of early morning missions over the California delta, blasting down the sloughs in a rented 172 trying to hold onto the curves of the waterways. Great stick and rudder exercise. Of course, there were wires over the sloughs but since they were elevated for sailboats.... I kept 500ft distance always and never would be tempted to fly under them, for safety reasons.


Thanks for the view!

And.. you probably qualify for the Duct Tape Hall-Of-Fame for the camera mount.. Geeze.
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cool video

I can't remember.....wing down, top... something... Still a nice video, relax and enjoy it! Most of us are in a lot more danger landing an RV in that "strong crosswind" Tin Man talks about. Have fun and fly within your own, personal comfort zone. Tram, I enjoyed it!
I can't remember.....wing down, top... something... Still a nice video, relax and enjoy it! Most of us are in a lot more danger landing an RV in that "strong crosswind" Tin Man talks about. Have fun and fly within your own, personal comfort zone. Tram, I enjoyed it!

Ah, I think Tin Man thought I was trying to show how great a pilot I am.. The video wasn't for that purpose at all.. It was a video to show how much I am enjoying the 6.. :)
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