
Well Known Member
Hello. Forgive me if this has already been beaten to death. Is there any information, or has any studies been accomplished on the strength of the nose gear, as towing the aircraft goes? I have access to a lightweight towbar and retrofitted the connection point on the bar with 2 machined high strength bolts, which the bolts ends were machined down to nubs, that would rest in the cap screw ends of the axle. I have yet to use this, but due to the snow and adverse taxing conditions, it is something I need to consider. I have seen the Bogert tow pin extension, which I would purchase, if I knew the gear could handle the stress. Some of my towing is on a slight grade over grass, which would be my concern. I thought best I consult the brains of the community. Depending on the resonses, I may contact Vans on this. Thank you, DM
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When I had a 9A, I used a standard hand tow bar attached to the nosewheel. I think as long as you're not towing it through mud or deep snow (anything that adds a bunch of drag), you should be ok.

Seems like ...

...it depends entirely on where you're going to tow it and how far. If you're talking over-the-road towing (like, to the airport from your garage) that's a whole 'nuther ball game.
Towing my 9A around the airport with a Bogie bar or similar works fine ... i.e. no issues.
Slight upgrade for maybe 70 feet, over grass. I'd hate to stress the nose gear mounting in any fashion. I recon Vans will tell me the plane was not designed for this.
I towed my -9A to my neighbor's shop and back with an SUV and Bogart bar. It was about a quarter mile, shop to shop. I borrowed his shop to put on the wings to set the incidence. My shop wasn't large enough to have the wings on. I think I duct tapped the Bogart bar closed so it wouldn't slip off and tied it to the hitch. I just kept the speed slow and it worked well.