
Active Member
Looking to get some touch up paint work, ( interior& exterior), done on my 7A.
Anyone have any recommendations for anyone in So Cal? Mobile service would be great....I’m based in hangar at WHP.

Just a note of Caution about overspray. A couple weeks ago a close friend got his brand new Legend MOAC SuperCub oversprayed by the next door T-hangar neighbor who was doing some touch up work. Appears to be a honest dumb mistake, but the extent of this goatF. and cost to fix is still being determined. It can be done if environment/conditions allow. Just be mindful, it might save you a lot of $$$.

Don Broussard
RV9 Rebuild in Progress
57 Pacer
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Just a note of Caution about overspray. A couple weeks ago a close friend got his brand new Legend MOAC SuperCub oversprayed by the next door T-hangar neighbor who was doing some touch up work. Appears to be a honest dumb mistake, but the extent of this goatF. and cost to fix is still being determined. It can be done if environment/conditions allow. Just be mindful, it might save you a lot of $$$.

Don Broussard
RV9 Rebuild in Progress
57 Pacer

Agreed. I’ve also seen some poor workmanship and care when people do their own touch up. But, I believe I can still do this myself if enough preparation and care is given to the project. It is, after all, not rocket science.

Like everything else RV related, it’s all about how carefully you are in what you do!
Touch up painting

Unless someone knows how to use a spray gun, and by that I mean has practiced enough to know the settings to do it right, I agree there will be lots of overspray and orange peel. My airport doesn’t even allow spray painting in hangars. Foam brush and foam rollers with the right paint, Stewart systems, for example, may work really well for small touch ups. It won’t look as nice as a good spray on however.
With that said, I do know of a painter in Torrance, he does the Shelby paint work and Sling aircraft. I’ll ask him next time I see him if he free lances. His work is excellent.
Touch up paint

I’m also in the market for some touch up paint but would like the shop to be within one hop of STL. I like the paint job generally but it needs a couple touch ups and a stripe down the side to finish it.

Any recommendations?