
Well Known Member
If you can appreciate our hard working military, some music from back in the day when it actually was music and some great in air video, then enjoy!

Best if you turn your speakers up just a bit before clicking -->Magic Carpet Ride

Great stuff!

RatMan said:
If you can appreciate our hard working military, some music from back in the day when it actually was music and some great in air video, then enjoy!

Best if you turn your speakers up just a bit before clicking -->Magic Carpet Ride

That's a good one! Great song, too.
Ah well...

Well RatMan in this forum little is free from the critics. The music, I liked the rockin' organ ok, reminded me of the 60s in the Aerospace Lounge in St. Louis a duo called Socko and Walters - they packed 'em in Jules Socko played the organ and Shot Walters played the drums and sang. I guess my parents would not have liked my choice of music at the time. As for the camera angle it reminder me of my ride from Travis AFB in a C-97 on my way to a year's duty in Korea - I like to be by the window with a forward view. At least I didn't have to ride the boat. Having said all that I want to thank you, the salute & launch were very good to see but what really grabbed me was the break hand signal and the growing awareness and appreciation of what was to come. When I saw the wing leading edge down and a quick glimpse of water I was there! The recovery sequence was great.


Bob Axsom
My nephew is an F-18 fighter jock, currently on his second tour over Iraq on the Teddy Roosevelt. Following his first tour, he was home for alost a year and always flying off to Vegas (for trainingmissions, you know), or he'd fly up to see his grandmother (my mother) on what was also called a "training mission."

Everytime he went to somewhere nice, he'd send an e-mail to his grandmother saying "thanks for paying your taxes."

What a great life.
On the other hand.......

Sig600 said:
As a new F/A-18 guy... I too would like to thank all of you for paying your taxes. :D

As a (not so old) taxpayer and ex-production guy who installed formation lights and pounded uncounted rivets (but mostly hi-loks) into F/A-18 wings for 17 yrs.........your welcome. ;)

Rick Galati RV-6A "Darla"
Me too Rick

I was not arround long enough to work on the production models but I was involved in the weapons release electronics development during the time the only flying model was the converted YF-17. I did get to see them fly out of El Toro a lot during my commutes to work before the government closed it down. It's a fine looking airplane and I hope it serves you well.

Bob Axsom
Bob Axsom said:
I was not arround long enough to work on the production models......................... It's a fine looking airplane and I hope it serves you well. Bob Axsom

Because of an unexpected FOD program perk, I did have the rare opportunity as a production worker to backseat an F-18 during an engine runup test. Though we didn't go into afterburner, what was truly remarkable to me the pressure change felt when the canopy sealed and how quiet it was even with the engines spooled up. The MFD's were alive with indecipherable data alien to this simple private pilot. It was a thrill I'll never forget.

Rick Galati RV-6A "Darla"
wonder what happened? I thought i had it saved on my media but it doesn't work there either.

darn, I was in the mood for an F 18 ride. anybody got a fresh link?
"Action videos"

Another good site - grouchymedia.com. Magic Carpet Ride is probably the best of the bunch, but a lot of others to take a look at. The new one, "Navy Pump It" shows how much "fun" a cruise on the boat can be. :>)

Seattle area
RV-4 wings