RV fan

It's an RV with a total rescue system under construction?
Or already flies a RV with such a total rescue system? (Junkers, ballistic recovery system, BRS and so on ....)

greetings from Austria
I know there was one flying with a BRS. It was not a very elegant install and bordered on ugly. I am not sure however there is anyway to retrofit something and have it look any better. A real solution would probably require the design start with the assumption there will be a BRS system from the first bolt.
BRS in St. Paul is currently working on a ground up parachute recovery system for the RV series. Their engineers have been to my hangar several times getting a feel for the method they intend to use to make this a viable installation. In fact, on June 8 at 3:30 pm BRS will be giving a talk at the Fleming Field (KSGS) fly in on their progress. See www.mnwing.org for details.
At Oshkosh a few years ago:
