
Well Known Member
I am looking for a Graphic of this control stick grip to put on my panel that I can label the switches. It?s the grip with the hat switch and 2 on-off press switches on Top. Plus the trigger and 1 on-off press switch on the front. Anyone seen or have one? Or suggestion for how to get one done ?
I am looking for a Graphic of this control stick grip to put on my panel that I can label the switches. It’s the grip with the hat switch and 2 on-off press switches on Top. Plus the trigger and 1 on-off press switch on the front. Anyone seen or have one? Or suggestion for how to get one done ?

Is this what you are looking for?


Or for Ray Allen:


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Keith, with the PDF Marc posted and a program like Illustrator or Inkscape you can edit out everything but the graphics for the grip, then scale the whole thing down to a reasonable size and add your own text. I recall Tosten has a side-view somewhere in one of their documents as well.
Marc - not exactly. Thinking of an angle view like 45deg offset and from the top. So that all the buttons are visible in this one view.
Ron - your suggestion sounds like what I?m trying to get to. A 3D variable representation of sorts. Those programs sound expensive. Just want this one graphic. Is it possible to get it done by someone somewhere ? I?ll check out the programs in case I?m wrong.
Thanx for the feedback & ideas.
Both programs are inexpensive - free & $9 or $20. Will do some experimenting.
Sorry Rob for the name miss.
Here is a label I made and put on my panel.
Bill - very close to what I?m looking for. I?m going to try out the programs mentioned above in the next few days to see if I can get it to how I envision it.