
Well Known Member
While final installing the torque tube today I ran into an issue after I installed the "neutral alignment" jig. My measurement is about 3/8" off from the 2 17/32" spec below. The only thing I can think of is that somehow the torque tube is too short. Before I pull the torque tube and rebuild, is there anything obvious that I'm missing?

Can you make some adjustment to the rod end bearings? Also, make sure the jig is sitting flush on the wing spar. If I recall, mine had a tendency to "ride up" a little on the inboard edge. Probably not the case, but worth checking.
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Rod ends

I assume that the rod ends have already been extended to their maximum/safe length... I completed mine last month and had ample rod end length to adjust further out. Mine was perfect at the specified length.

Gents - Thank you for stating the obvious. Perfect fit. I spent 1.5 hrs "adjusting" the rod ends by twisting the torque tube confused as to why the length wasn't changing. Makes a big difference disconnecting the bolt and adjusting. :rolleyes:

Speaking of safe thread engagement. What's the spec? After all the tweaking, I've got ~1/4" thread engagement on both ends of the torque tube. Edit: google "vansairforce: minimum thread engagement" does wonders ;)
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