Well Known Member
I am on page 12-02 step 5. I have drilled, debarred, dimpled and match drilles all the parts in this sub assembly.

I see where we are to radius the "back" edge of the little tabs or wings tso they fit inside the inside rib flange radius, got it, did it.

Mine still don't fit in there. I mean I can FORCE them in there and the rib flanges deflect past takes considerable force to do this. It appears the part is just too long. The outer radius for those wings don't fit inside my ribs. Now, my ribs did not come in blue plastic, so I guess it is possible I got a stray batch. Anyone else have a tough time getting it in there? I could force it in, but then my skins will sit poorly, that is how bad the flanges deform.


I made a video on YouTube, but it really does not help much.
I just went out to the hangar after reading your question and mine fit with no distortion. It's been quite a few months since I installed mine and I don't recall any trouble installing. I might have had to tap down on the flanges of the torque tube bracket assembly with a soft piece of wood to change the radius a little but the rivet holes still lined after match drilling. I don't think it will take much tweeking to get yours to fit.
I had the same problem

I think you are right, the part is not the right size. I eventually got it to fit, but its not very pretty. Still concerned about riveting it. Takes a lot of prodding with the cleco to get it in the hole.
Are you sure you've got the left and right sides correct? That would definitely cause a problem. Also, are you sure you're lining them up to the correct holes? 4th and 5th hole back not counting the tab.

I don't recall any particular difficulty. And it's not deformed.

Yeah...first thing I checked was sides swapped or not. If you try to swap it it works out even worse due to the angles of the ribs. Additionally, I dont see how you could have it in the wrong spot because of the pre drilled holes.
I remember mine being tight as well. It took some tweaking to get it in and it was still tight.

I would not worry too much about the deflection of the rib flange as that is the most inboard, and will have a wing walk doubler in between that rib flange and the outer wing skin. In addition I think that the fairing will cover over that between the innermost wing rib and the fuselage. Not to sure about that though. This is my first build and I am just a little ahead of you so maybe mine is not the best advice.
I will be home tonight and will see if I can get any meaningful pics. As I've thought about this more, I do remember radiusing the heck out of that bracket. And it was tight getting it in but I definitely haven't noticed any deformation (I'll look tonight and hope I didn't just miss it)

I dont believe the fairing will cover that since the nutplates are on the very inboard edge of the skin but i may be wrong. I'd be most worried about any residual stress causing cracking in your rib since that's a pretty high bending moment portion of the wing. I think I'd get some verification before riveting it.
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I tried to take a couple of pictures of my bracket. I don't see any deformation


Same issue here...

To the -14 group.

I'm facing the same problem with a tight fit for that Torque tube support bracket. Perhaps I could fit it there but I fear there will be some distortion. I can "shorten" a bit the W-1029B-L bracket by forcing the top and bottom flange so it has a sharper bend but then, I'm afraid that it'll stretch the part to a point where the holes won't match anymore.

How did you fix that up
Same here, until I figured out what the plans wanted you to radius off. Mine would not fit until I used the deburring wheel to round off the top and bottom edge so that the assembly would nest into the rib. Also, be careful where you flute to make the rib flat. I initially had the flute in a place that hit the tabs and that screwed things up. I had to flatten out the flute and move it.

Assembly in place:

round off corner (tabs facing up and down):

round off other corner (tabs facing up and down):

Hope this helps. Maybe you knew where to round off. It took a while for me to figure it out.