Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
Go to, click on photo gallery, click on Bentonville... Chip Gibbons posted the photos. Doug Stone is the Chapter 732 president (2nd term) and he is the owner of the Cherokee 6 in some of the photos. He is currently building an RV-10.

Bob Axsom
hurricane damage

These pictures are sickening, and I couldn't imagine going out to the airport and finding that kind of destruction. Looking through the pictures I recognize one of the airplanes. The Comanche 7710P used to sit just on the other side of the entrance into Reid Hillview Airport in San Jose for as long as I can remember. If it wasn't this airplane it was it's very close sibling, but I'm sure it was this airplane. I always looked at it driving into the field because it sat between Cessnas and they had a way of really making it look good. Some would call it a rose between to thorns, but my father in law would say it's like a diamond in a goats @$$.
Very sad!!! This is the airport Rich and I fly into to visit my Mom. Louise Thadden Memorial.

Chip Bought my Citabria (1843G) happy not to see it in the wreckage. I had to sell it to move my RV project along, but I loved that plane.
I had no idea it was that bad. I took my checkride at Bentonville with a lady named Gwenn. The concrete block building with the roof gone is where I did the paperwork. My son lives in Siloam Springs which is west of Bentonville. He saw the tornado pass through the field next to his house. He called me to tell me it coming East and was huge. I live about 80 miles East of Bentonville and the storms barely missed us but I have never seen so many tornadoes in one night. Places in Southern Missouri that were devastated in 2003 were destroyed again. I honestly don't know how those people find the strength to rebuild. There were 57 reported tornadoes in Southern Mo, Arkansas, and Oklahoma that night from what I heard on the news. My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones and homes in this storm.
rv9aviator said:
I had no idea it was that bad. I took my checkride at Bentonville with a lady named Gwenn.
Gwen Baitey? (sp?) She was my Dad's CFI back in the 80s. Glad you and your son are alright. My parents are in Fayetteville and said they didn't have any damage - too close for comfort, though!
My Mom and Dad are in Bella Vista. They said it got pretty bad that night with hail and wind. Tornados missed them.

I had to look it up in my logbook since I couldn't remember her last name. It was Gwen Baitey. A very nice lady. She made me feel like I was just taking someone for an airplane ride. I was told later after I made that comment to a couple of friends that she is very fair but don't show up unprepared. I had 62 hours in myself before I went for the check ride simply because I was having a blast flying. My fight instructor was a retired teacher and principle. She only had about 1000 hours herself when I started taking lessons but knew how to teach. She made the whole experience fun and interesting.