
Well Known Member
Was cruising along and the skin popped off of the male dimple die in the middle of the down stroke leaving this oval hole.



A 3 rivet head covers the hole but I was worried about getting a good rivet squeeze or a crack eventually propagating from this spot.


I've ordered a new skin but is there an acceptable way to fix this sort of thing in the future?

Assuming it doesn't cause edge distance problems or whatever, a typical fix would be to drill and dimple for an additional rivet equidistant on either side of that one. If you don't have structural concerns for rivets in tension, You can also take that hole up to #30 and install what's commonly referred to as an "oops rivet" It's an NAS rivet with a -3 head and a -4 shank.

Looking at your picture, it looks like this is just one field rivet in a whole row of good ones, so the oops rivet would be what I would do here.
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If just put in AN-4. Once installed you’ll never see it. Once painted it will disappear. (Ask me how I know). Marty
Thanks everyone.

My gut said oops rivet but I ordered a new VS skin before soliciting y'alls advice. Next time.

I also had some fairly deep scratching I didn't like from dragging the skins on a burr that was on the end of the male dimple die. Polished it off the die and the second side looked much better. Check your new dies just in case!
Cheap insurance

In addition to 1097s, get some 1241’s from FlyBoy accessories or elsewhere. 3s and 4s that are 1/64” larger each. Some will probably argue that the Oversize rivet dims aren’t far off from each other. Very true. Never know when that slight oversize hole savings will save an edge distance requirement. Another option. As mentioned, some of the cheapest “rework insurance” you can get.

Put the male die on the top.
This will help with the drag marks.

Dimple hole

You didn't say DRDT or C-frame. On my C-frame, male die on the bottom to keep debris out of the female. They will hang so tight you can't get them apart. No spring on the top ram.
Lift the ram with one hand. Position the part. Lower the ram. Grab it and hold it down firmly. Whack.
Sounds like a slow method but actually moves fast.
If just put in AN-4. Once installed you’ll never see it. Once painted it will disappear. (Ask me how I know). Marty

Exactly. I fixed several oversized holes in someone’s HS (bent drill bit and a overspeed drill) by drilling to #30, 1/8’ dimple and flush #4 rivets.

No one ever noticed.

A lot of us have made that mistake in the beginning. Use one hand to hold the skin down to the work surface and whack it with the other hand. Then move the skin and repeat. I have a couple of spots that I had to fix.

I would try drilling it out with a #30 and see what the hole looks like. From the pic it seems like your hole is still going to be messed up.

While we all want everything to be perfect the reality of the situation ends up being different. In the beginning you make a lot more of these mistakes. You will make more. You learn to fix some and others you just order a new part.