
Well Known Member
This is what I’ve been able to accomplish. But the finish feels delicate with the micro topcoat. Is there a paint finish that will bond this and protect it? Or do I leave it for final paint someday?

I did mine with a combination of micro and then polyester filler but have left it at a stage where you are for paint. As yet, unpainted.
pourous material like micro or poly fillers will absorb contaminants from the atmospere including that brought with rain and create paint bonding problems. A good painter will be forced to sand them down some before paint. Better to put a light coat of something over it, so he sands that off instead of your filler. NEVER apply paint over pourous material that has been outside for more than a day or two.
The filler needs to be sealed first by brushing on a coat of epoxy resin and then squeegee it into the pores as per DanH link. If this step is missed then any paint will have pinholes.
I then applied epoxy primer after sanding the resin coat and this protects the surface until it is time for final painting.