
Active Member
Can any one suggest the correct edge distance from the rear edge of the rear spar for the 427AD3- top skin rivets.

From the plans it looks to be 1/4". Flange width is about 5/8". Can't get too close to the web or it will be very hard to dimple and set the rivets

I usually try to do 1/4" for AD3-, gives a bit of safety margin over the 3/16" minimum. But as long as it's not less than 3/16" (when drilled), you'll be fine.

Note: On my RV-4 project the flanges were not bent at the correct angle. A lot easier to fix that before riveting (or dimpling, if you take that route). If you can test fit the flaps before riveting skins to rear spar, I'd recommend that.

If you haven't already done so grinding down the squeezer yoke and using the Small Diameter Dimple Die from Cleveland Tools makes it easier to dimple without compromising edge distance or marking the spar web.
