andrew phillips

Well Known Member
I'm doing the wiring and trying to determine when to rivet the front top skin. I have a slider so now the access is great for wiring but when all the wires are in the access for bucking will be bad. What have others done?

I don't think there is any reason to rush in to tacking that one on for good. I plan to wait until the very end before mine goes on for good, but I have a tip up, and don't know if that makes a difference...
I didn't rivet my forward skin on my slider 6 until I was done with all the wiring behind the panel. It's much easier to install the wiring without laying under the panel, and if you avoid mounting components and wires in locations that would get in the way of your bucking bar, riveting the top skin with the wiring in place is not a big deal.
Total insanity here. I am building a 7A slider and no wiring or panel work has been done but I riveted on he forward top skin two weeks ago. Why would a 60 year old do that knowing that he is going to have to fold himself under the panel for many hours while wiring the thing? I am painting the plane myself and there just isn't enough painting weather left to waist any of it working on wiring and panels. Simply put, it is either paint it now or put off painting until after it is flying (sometime in February or March). If I fly it before paint it would probably end up living its life looking like Checkoway's :) My wife picked the colors and we designed the paint scheme together. It is going to fly looking like it does in her mind right now. Standing on my head doing all of the wiring is a small price to pay for a partner that is so involved in our RV project.

The nose wheel is because she wants to take flying lessons in it after we get it flying. And no she doesn't have any sisters.

Steve and Twany Eberhart - RV-7A, O-360-A1A and a whole bunch of House of Kolor Kandy Apple Red paint
If I fly it before paint it would probably end up living its life looking like Checkoway's :)

Getting a bit off subject; I don't blame you.

As I live two blocks from the airport entrance, I had my RV completely bolted together about two years ago, unpainted.

Figured I could haul it over there late at night when traffic was nill. Then I found I had to remove the wings again to install nutplates for the wing/fusalage fairings.

At that point, I decided it was going to be completely painted before reassembly. I didn't feel like paying someone else 5- $8000+ for a paint job, 'cause I'm a tight-wad!

Painting is "major" if you're doing it yourself, and it seems like the plane is only 3/4's done again! It's hundreds of hours of work; especially when using four colors as I did.

Back to subject......

For the panel, I'd use the original as a cut out backing plate, and then overlay with at least three removable sections. This will allow some major work without being upside down.

However, I'm just a few short years from 60, and with the seats removed, and a few pillows plus reading glasses for closeup work, it's quit comfy under there, and you can easily go to sleep! :D

Getting out sometimes, sucks though! :)
