
Well Known Member
Curious as to why the plans call for the top forward skin to be riveted so early. There is a lot of wiring and control cables that need to be routed and putting the skin on before that, sure makes a lot of cussing and work. I left mine off, I'm all done with he wiring and routing, can't imagine having to do that with the skin riveted on. Has anyone used nutplates and screws to gain access in the future? I know it won't be as pretty, but sure would be functional.
Top Fwd Skin

I am at the same place and just riveted my forward top skin on my RV-7A tipup. This is after two engine idle tests also, just in case something showed up during engine idle.
Riveting it on now was a 2 person job and all rivets but 5 went fine. Those five ended up being pulled rivets. Van's engineering says a pulled rivets are okay on the top. They sell a 7/64th flush pulled rivets that fits well in the dimpled holes.

I also bought and installed the panel access plates so that I do have two access holes in the future. These are screwed on. You can see the whole thing here.
I suspect that one reason for doing that skin early is that if you fit the canopy prior to riveting (just using clecos), everything can move and change the fit-up when you rivet.

I looked at using nutplates on my tipup -7, but with the flutes in the highly curved areas of the sub-panel, there wasn't room for nutplates. One option I kinda wish I'd thought of would be to cut a ~1" strip off the back of the top skin, and rivet a doubler/nutplate holder to that. Then use screws everywhere else.

I cut access holes in both sides, in the highly curved areas (be aware that Van's does *not* endorse this; though many have done it). My setup needed side access more than over the center stack area.

After the ease of working on my -4 in that area, it's really disheartening to see how limited the access will be in the -7.

edit: With the cutouts in the curved areas, I'm fairly confident I can now rivet the skin solo. Also allows access to the engine mount bolts.
Curious as to why the plans call for the top forward skin to be riveted so early. There is a lot of wiring and control cables that need to be routed and putting the skin on before that, sure makes a lot of cussing and work. I left mine off, I'm all done with he wiring and routing, can't imagine having to do that with the skin riveted on. Has anyone used nutplates and screws to gain access in the future? I know it won't be as pretty, but sure would be functional.

Not needed. Fit the pitot mast before riveting the bottom skin. Some plastic water pipe from Lowes for wires and you are done. Wires are added after the wings go on the airplane.

Go ahead and finish the wings. There is nothing you can?t do using the conduit and existing access panels.

I did talk to builders assist on this today. They said it is not necessary to rivet the skin during the fuselage stage, you can wait until canopy time, which is what I have done. They said they have a project on the drawing board for an access panel kit, but it's not a priority right now. They did note that the QB kit has this part all riveted, so those poor guys are going to have some tough moments getting all this done from underneath. I also was curious why the Pro-Seal was called for in the middle section, they said to prevent water intrusion. In any case I sure am glad I waited to button this up. Thanks All!
Thanks for the info, I think I'll leave mine off u till I have everything configured. I did see on Facebook, someone had installed access panels on the sides, looked pretty nice and I am considering doing the same.