
I'm New Here
Hi all,
I have never worked with sheet metal, nor have a I built a plane before. I would like to try and learn more about it. I bought these two little projects from Vans to learn what it is like to work with sheet metal.
The problem is I'm not sure what tools I'll need. I'm hoping I don't have to spend $500 just to learn how to pop rivets and such.
I thought I would just need the cheapest hand Rivet tool I can find and a Cleco Plier. Not sure what all this other stuff is, I'm googling them one at a time to try and understand.
Have you heard of these little training kits? Any advice on how I can use these kits with the least investment in tools is welcomed.


Part Number: TOOL BOX KIT

This page has a long list of tools with a ** next to the ones that are needed for the Tool Box build.

3X Rivet Gun** (2X or 3X for QuickBuild)
1″ Dia. Flush Set **
1/8″ Cupped Set 3.5″ **
Back Rivet Set **
Microstop Countersink Cage**
#40 Countersink ? 3/32″ Rivet **
5-10 #40 Jobber Drill Bits (for 3/32″ rivets) **
5-10 #30 Jobber Drill Bits (for 1/8″ rivets) **
Cleco Pliers **
325 Cleco Fasteners ? 3/32″ ** (** 30 required, 150 if QB, 500 if 10/14)
175 Cleco Fasteners ? 1/8″ ** (** 10 required, 75 if QB)
Flat Set 1/2″ x 1/8″ **
3/32″ Rivet Dimple Die **
Drill (Air or Cordless) **
Metal Snips: Left & Right **
Pop Rivet Tool **
Sharpie Ultra Fine Point Permanent Markers **

Thanks in advance.

This can get tricky, or expensive...


If it makes it any easier, if my wife knew that I needed $700 of tools to build a $50 kit, I'd be very lonely now, however I bought the tools with the full intention of moving on to building. Ironically though, the practice kits taught me the value of having the right tools, and to not skimp on what I bought.

There are cheap ways of building the practice kits, and there are expensive ways. Unfortunately, in order to do a decent job and to approach these parts as if they were for an aircraft, then there are some expensive tools that you just can't do without.

At an absolute bare minimum, you'll need #30 & #40 drill bits, a deburring tool (I prefer a dog-leg speed deburrer, which can also double as a rough countersinking tool for the practice kits), #30 & #40 cleco's, #40 dimple dies, cleco pliers, drill, snips, and a rivet squeezer with various dies to suit universal and countersunk rivets. That should get most of the practice kits done

From memory I'm sure you can build the tool-box kit with just a squeezer, though you may need 4" yokes to reach some rivets.

The expensive tools are things like a rivet gun, C-Frame dimpler or DRDT2 dimpler. The better squeezers and yokes also cost quite a bit.

You'll get lots of other good advice here about the tools people bought, and their rationale. Also, you can check out Cleaveland or Brown tools as they've got tool kits prepared for RV builders.

Read Section 5 of the Van's build manual (on their site), as it goes through a lot of the tools and building processes.

Good quality tools make it easy to produce good quality results, provided they're used properly. And if it all doesn't work out for you, you can always sell the tools & recover most of your costs.