Dan Getting Ready

I'm New Here
Hey everybody, I'm not yet one of you, but I am finishing up my private pilot license this summer (currently relocating from middle tennessee to North Carolina). Upon completion of my license (I have a couple more solo cross countrys and my check ride remaining) I plan to begin building my RV10 on a 10 year plan (I'm poor).
I'm hoping to get a jump on some of the expenses through Christmas gifts, do you guys think it's wise to purchase the tool box kit to get a feel for the rivets? Also, what tools have you used that you would suggest I use? Brand names etc...?
Hoping for any and all advice and look forward to building my dream plane.
Welcome to VAF

The tool box kit is a great way to get started, plus you have a nice tool kit for the -10 when you are done.
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Good plan


I plan to begin building my RV10 on a 10 year plan (I'm poor).


Hoping for any and all advice and look forward to building my dream plane.

Good plan Daniel 10 years for RV-10. If you are poor :D keep flying, get you PPL, make big wish list and come to Sun-n-Fun 2010 sheetmetal workshop. You will experience all kinds of operations needed to assemble RV kit. There are good quality basic tools, lots of RV practice kits donated by Vans couple years ago. Bring your bucking partner with you, teach her how to rivet and buck. Spend couple of hours, then decide what you need. And that decision will be right:D Brief workshop writeup is here http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=42944&highlight=volunteer%27s+view
Yes, you are definitely one of us. Welcome!

I plan to get the toolbox practice kit as well. It looks like a good place to start. Nothing wrong with a 10 year plan. Take your time, do it right. Besides, who know what kinds of cool toys will be available to put in that instrument panel?

Definitely get in touch with your local chapter of the EAA. Lots of good help there.

Cheers. :)
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